Monday, June 30, 2014


All is not as it seems.  Summer wine and sweet cherries brighten the soul and cause us to revel in the natural world that surrounds us – the important part of life, for without the beauty of nature we would be like strawberries and cherries withering on a water deprived, thirsty vine or limb.


Saturday, June 28, 2014




A great old lady and a best friend rests here.  I'll never forget you sweet Sigh, sweetest friend.

Monday, June 23, 2014


I had been splashing around in these mud holes over here for weeks and enough is enough.  I had to get a critter fix and where better to do that than up at Beech Creek and I spent the entire day there doing it.
Temps were in the nineties but who cares?  The world is beautiful up here.

 Yes, there is a female mallard duck on the log above and she blends in well I'd say.
I shot these shots and never saw the youngster in the background.  Love wildlife photography.

 Just look at those little guys

And then this flew by:

This was going to be a very cool day even though the temps were in the mid nineties, if ya get my drift.
 Could have used better light but what the heck.  This isn't National Geographic.  This is my life.

Even though the light was poor and the shutter speed lacking - I got im.
 No sense talking about it. 

 How do they get through those thick tree limbs and foliage with those huge, wide wings?
And on the softer more gentle side:

 Its been a long time since I threw a double crested cormorant up here.

Below:  Lizard Tail
I really like trumpet creepers and photograph them often, as you well know.

 Here's a little something extra in the shot above and below.

Who says red and orange don't go together?

 What you see here on these leaves are mayflies.  I've never seen them so thick anywhere.  I'm told they appear like this on other rivers in Tennessee but I've not seen it.  They appear to be March Browns but that species should be well over by this time of year.  I'm going to guess them to be Black Quills because they would be emerging on the Pennsylvania trout streams that I know.
 This is so amazing!  Fly fishermen talk about trout fly hatches and rush to the water when they see ten or twelve mayflies dipping to the surface while in flight.   These are millions accumulated here.  These insects are born for one purpose and that is to feed fish and birds.  Period.  They are born without a mouth to eat with and accumulate under the leaves of trees and bushes that are in proximity to the water they have emerged from.  At a certain moment they all careen into the sky and mate.  Then the males fall dead to the surface and are fed upon by fish.  Insect eating birds gorge themselves on the flying, mating bugs.  The females fly along the surface of the water and deposit eggs by dipping their abdomens to the surface and depositing their eggs.
Then, they too fall dead upon the surface in a position resembling a cross with wings out to the sides.  Their task as well as their moment in the sun is over and their offspring will arrive withing a few years.  It isn't a fast process.

 His tiny horn buttons are just showing through

 These are baby mallard ducks and mom is directing them along the river grass where she can hide them if necessary.  I had hoped they would have been wood ducks but not the case.
She got wind of the boat following her and her peeps and did run them under foliage and logs.  She actually hid them and lead them in the opposite direction back the way they came.  I took a few shots and moved away from them so as not to upset their day.

 First mom passed by and then the peeps filed past one by one, their little heads looking straight ahead at mom.

Its getting late here at home right now and there is a really heavy, constant rain going on outside that I'm missing and the coffee is on.  So I'll just toss a few extra shots up here and go on outside and sit awhile in my rocker and enjoy a hot brew before turning in.

 And, finally one of my favorite shots of the day.  See Below and smile.
 Thanks so much for checking my blog.  You know I appreciate you so much!