Thursday, October 7, 2021



Warrior's Path State Park. The leaf color is only starting on lakes that have elevation and are colder. The color in these pictures is caused by the warm light of late afternoon reflecting the soft colors on the trees that are just beginning to show. The colors are exemplified and appear rich - vibrant and the water glimmers a dark, velvety surface sheen that is darkened by contrast with the blue sky. The birds are young cormorants. An adult can be seen racing close to the water's surface. All in all, a gentle way for me to end my day.

BELOW:   Confusion

WALKING STICKS ( Phasmatodea)

These interesting critters are very common and yet go unseen by everyone.  This one was on a porch chair.  They are harmless and are scavengers of dead, rotting plants.  Look at the shots closely and note the mandibles are on one end of the bug and the antennae and head on the other so, which end is the front and I wonder how it tears up the food with the mandibles on its anterior end and eats with its opposite end.  Amazing critter.



Wednesday, October 6, 2021


MY DEER FRIENDS (whitetails)

 They have been passing  by all summer and its been really fantastic to watch the does show off their fawns.  So, I invited them all to supper ---- nightly.  Some of the shots are crisp and clear and a double click on them will be beneficial, while others are a bit fuzzy.  This is because of the large lens used to photograph with late in the day when light is minimum.  But, there they are.  Beautiful!


They chased each other round and round and round.