Named a mute swan because it is not nearly as vocal as a domestic or wild swan.  The mute swan runs around 17 to 30 pounds and has a wing span in the neighborhood of 7.5 to 9 feet.  The males have a large black knob at the top rear of their beak while females have a smaller protrusion.  Flight speed runs around 50 mps tops.  Thats moving along for a 30 pound object.

This particular swan is a female and I photographed her last year on the Holston River.  No mate was noticed then and none now.  I don't understand that but nature is the driver here.  These pictures were taken only a week ago, 5-29-22 in the same area as last year.  Mutes are not common here and are rarely seen.  This lady has been hanging out near white egrets and at times swimming geese.

Friday, June 3, 2022

The Bridge

 A railroad bridge is in the foreground and a motor bridge is behind and upstream.