Friday, March 3, 2006


I would like to present to you the name of an absolutely wonderful get away spot located in Greenback, Tennessee. Wood Thrush Ridge is a Birder's wonderland. It is specifically intended for the enjoyment of Birders. Countless species of birds migrate over and to Wood Thrush Ridge throughout the seasons. The facility is located high on top a ridge that is over five hundred feet high surrounded entirely by steep wooded hill and bordered by a small stream that serves as a spill way for a beautiful meadow pond located adjacent to the fifty acre property. The seclusion is wonderful. The birding is spectacular. And the furnishings are "A" grade, next to none. This first class operation is run by a lady named Janet Lee who is herself an expert in the field of birds. Her entire life revolves around the creation and preservation of bird habitat. If your interests include birding it would be a memorable experience to call her and schedule a visit to this splendid Mecca. And splendid it is!!!!!!

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