Tuesday, May 9, 2006


Something has been in the news a lot lately that has got my feathers ruffled. There is a lot of talk about how important it is for us Americans to celebrate and understand the importance of the Mexican independence date of 1820. George Bush has been on the radio being political and patronizing the Mexican immigrants by asking all Americans to help them celebrate that wonderful occurrence. I know schools are not what they once were and I know that history is thought of as just another course in high school and not too many kids today care about it. But does anyone remember a place in Texas by the name of the Alamo? It was a Spanish Mission where 189 Americans held their ground against the onslaught of 2000 Mexicans led by a tyrant named Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. His troops had just returned from the Napolianic wars in Europe and were crack troops. The Alamo folks were husbands, farmers and frontiersmen who had taken up residence in Old Mexico. They were offered land grants by the Mexican government. When Mexico felt threatened by the American intrusion they asked them to leave and gave them an exit date. The men and women of the area refused to leave. Hence the siege of the Alamo. Here, at this sacred place, 189 men fought viciously to fend off 2000 Mexican infantry and calvary. The siege and battle lasted 13 days total. On March 6, 1836 the Alamo fell. There was no quarter given. The few survivors including David Crockett were put to the sword. Every man was killed. The bodies were mutilated and burned. So you ask me to honor the Mexican Independance day. I say "the hell with it" REMEMBER THE ALAMO.

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