Monday, July 17, 2006


Below is the description of a dog rescue. This entry is the end result of a lot of caring people. After finding the little dog and getting help from Debbie who runs "Where Love Grows Golden", and "Countryside Veterinary Services", I was faced with the problem of caring for and placing her. Janet Lee, who Owns and operates Wood Thrush Ridge Birders Retreat and fosters puppies for Great Dog Rescue got in contact with Betty Dorsey from Great Dog Rescue and their efforts placed the little girl in a foster home. Great Dog Rescue will place pictures on their web site. I want to thank Keith Wuentzel from Pennsylvania and Greg Bell from here in Tennessee also for their contribution to the Vet bill that saved little Sweetie's life. It is amazing to see the concern and emotional combined effort exerted toward the well being and safety of this little animal. Cost can not be put on it. The little dog was taken out of absolute misery and certain horrible death, to happiness and a guaranteed super happy easy life due to all the efforts. It was with tears that I handed over the precious little girl to the new foster lady. The little thing bonded with me and slept close on me at night in my bed. She has been a shadow to me when I was with her. I said a very teary goodby to her. I will never see her again but I am happy for her. The pictures above are her "last evening with me". This little sweetie can be seen on The Great Dog Rescue of Knoxville site by clicking on the following link:

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