Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Remember the little dog I found wandering down the center of the highway in East Tennessee? Well, after vaccination, rabies and kennel cough shots and antibiotics for tick bites and a lot of food and care, she is now in a foster home. The foster mother is a caring person who specializes in small dogs. She loves them. Sweetie, (re-named Bonnie), has been spayed and tested for heart worm. But the heart worm tests came up positive. Bonnie is now undergoing treatment for this dispicable desease. She has a mild case and the treatment is expected to work. Bonnie is exhausted most of the time and lethargic. But the prognosis is very good. We hope soon she will be bouncing about carefree. I will keep this situation updated as I know many of you are deeply interested in the outcome. It is wonderful to know that costs of treatment seem not to be an issue for her well being. Her sweet life deserves to be comfortable and care free. It certainly has been hell on earth for her up until now. Upon a total recovery, Bonnie will be placed in a permanent home by Great Dog Rescue Of Knoxville.

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