Sunday, April 15, 2007


I was informed about this auction just yesterday. I tried to upload the article to this blog but I guess the only thing I can upload is pictures. In essence the article says that on May 5, 2007, a rare treasure in Tennessee will be offered to the public in a real estate sales event. Telliquah was established in 1736 in the heart of a vast Cherokee nation that stretched from northern Alabama to southern Ohio. The Cherokee called their lands Shaconage, "Land of the Blue, Grey Smoke," believing it was the first place the Creator made in all the earth. Telliquah was sanctuary, a place where no one was permitted to spill blood. The Cherokee passed along the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma and the Cherokee Removal created a land rush in the mountains. Among other treasures the Cherokee left behind was a rudimentary iron foundry in Telliquah. The foundry was acquired by James Bradley and Michael Carrol, who formed the Tellico Iron Company. General William Tecumseh Sherman visited the town at the start of his march to the sea. Sherman, accompanied by a large detachment of Union soldiers, encamped at Tellico Plains on December 10 and 11, 1863. He had come to destroy the Tellico Iron Works because it was producing material for the Confederate Army. The works were destroyed, but after learning the owner was a Yankee and a Union sympathizer, Sherman had a change of heart and left the mansion house intact. It was said that Johnson was a most hospitable host and lubricated Sherman with some of his whiskey. The mansion stood overlooking the river until a fire destroyed most of its roof in the 1990's. The mansion site and 24 adjoining properties will be sold in an auction sales event with no minimum and no reserves. This collection of properties is as rare and unique as their history and will be easily recognized as heirlooms to be passed on from generation to generation. Each site is fronted by the pristine-free flowing Tellico River and backed by over two million acres of National Forest land. The land is being auctioned because in selliing real estate over a prolonged period of time, the cost of maintaining a sales office and staffr, plus advertising, interest expense, maintenance, and other related costs all of these expenses are added to the price and passed along to the buyer. The speed of auction process is so quick that the seller can save on many of these costs and pass the savings along to the successful bidders. Much of the above was copied by myself from the article as it was written. Now then. Note the high-lited area above. Read it again. Note where it says "rare and unique". "Heirlooms to be passed on from generation to generation." What's wrong with this picture? Its an auction! An auction! Anyone can bid! The people who win in land auctions on property like this are rich developers. Why in the world would the state of Tennessee or local government for that matter, allow this rich piece of heritage to go to auction? Its unthinkable! I'll tell you what will happen to it. It will end up being a "Rarity something of other". What in the world is wrong with Tennessee government. Are not those people elected to be stewards of the land? Is it possible, or thinkable that something of the past is worth hanging on to in the name of history, and to honor and respect those who came before and struggled? Is this state so broke that money can not be found to purchase and protect this property and add it to protected status? Of course it will create jobs if sold. Ya, thats it. Why not open up the Smoky's to developement. Great Scott!, Think of the income possibilities. Dollywood could expand and Pigion Forge could even add another lane through town they'd be so rich. It would be like a gold rush for real estate agents and prospective land buyers. Hey, why not sell the Alamo too? Thats over. Been a long time ago. No one cares. Ask any high school graduate what the Alamo is all about. You'll get a dumb look. Don't even bring up Vietnam. Is nothing sacred here in East Tennessee? Must it all be sold? Does history and heritage count for nothing? Evidently Tennessee government doesn't hold much value in heritage. I think they talk the walk but don't walk the talk. Their all just good ol boys proud of their past----------until theres a dollar to be made. Sickening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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