Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I guess everyone knows by now that I like dogs. I don't want to make this blog site a dog rescue site but I owe it to these two friends below to do my best for them. I have been fostering them now for months and can't seem to find anyone who is interested in them. They are not any particular breed, and they don't do fancy tricks, but they are loyal and better company than some humans I know. If any one of you know of someone who would like to adopt a great dog and make him or her your friend; please let me know through email or a message on this blog. Both these dogs are fantastic! They just aren't pure bred nor are they baby puppies. They are sweet, kind and ask only for a gentle touch occasionally. Please keep these two super dogs in mind as you meet and talk to your friends.. Boone is a hound of sorts. He is docile and lays around. He will come immediately to you if you approach. He is great with children and other dogs. He uses the dog door to go outside when necessary. As for cats; he stares at Homer and I have exercised caution with him. He tends to ignore cats on the whole. He is up to date on his shots, vaccinations, is neutered, heart worm is good to go and receives Front Line treatments. He is a very docile. Jazzie is also a super docile dog. She is slow at everything accept running. She takes her hand delivered treats in super slow motion, slowly biting down on it and gently removing the treat from your fingers. She makes eye contact and holds it throughout your involvement with her. This is a smart dog. She runs with grace and finesse. Her lean body stretches out and her feet gently touch the ground in what appears to be slow motion. She is a quiet dog. You never know she is there. Jazzie has had her shots and vaccinations, heart worm treated and is on Front Line. She is spayed. Again; her only problem is that she is not a puppy nor pure bred. She needs a break and a loving, forever home. She deserves it. This is Boone. His only crime is that he was born.
This is Jazzie. A great dog!!!

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