Thursday, July 12, 2007


It is about 6:30 PM when the magic carpet floats slowly up to the beach and gently kisses the sand. I quickly tie her off to a close tree. Today has been a slow day off. I couldn't really get into much as I had a dental appointment at 3:00 PM. Yes a dental appointment. X Rays at the dentist office indicate a tooth is out of control. Mom wouldn't allow the family dentist to remove the wisdom teeth back in 1963. She had a problem with allowing dentists to pull wisdom teeth just because they have a less than desirable score on the satisfaction index of life. So, today was the last day for the wisdom tooth on the upper jaw, right side, to ever be caressed by my soft bristled tooth brush. It was pulled. The entire procedure was painless. Had my eyes been closed, I never would have known the extraction was completed. So with gauze packed into the newest hole in my head, and pain pills clutched tightly in my hand; I returned home to get the boat and find a quiet place on the lake to await the discomfort that I was assured would present itself shortly. This would mean only Douglas would accompany me today. The others would be too much. Douglas is very well mannered and very silent in his ways. Down the lake was the island you see below. I beached the boat and allowed Douglas to meander about. When he is alone with me, he stays close. The influence of other dogs, (the pack), causes pack mentality and they tend to require closer scrutiny. I want to start a new story so I carried my notebook and camera to a shady spot and sat down after a few photo opportunities were satisfied. Sit turned to lay and lay turned to almost "fell asleep". Time to go. Amazing how time flies. And yes a slight throbbing in my jaw required a pain pill. But it was a beautiful beach, precious time with my friend Douglas, and sweet views as the sun slowly receded away behind the water and tree line.
The boat hasn't been tied off five minutes and Douglas is already clearing the lake of floating debris.
The water is only two feet deep here. This boat skims right on top clear to the beach. That big Mercury engine has low water intakes that allow it to be tilted radically so the prop can clear the muddy bottom.
What a beautiful beach we found! Tellico Lake is full of nooks and crannies on the lake. This beach is all sand. No mud. It is clean and the wooded area is spacious. There is plenty of room for a foot loose dog to roam and plenty of area for a tired old guy to lie down and ponder the state of things.
If there's one thing Douglas really loves to do it's exploring holes. There isn't a hole in the ground or the bank of a stream he passes by. He is so funny! The hole is circumnavigated, then approached cautiously, sniffed and stared at, and if tempting enough; excavated!
To be a good hunting dog ya got to know every hole in the forest. Here's one of em now!
Ya might as well come on out and give yourself up. I know your in there. Well, come on out!
There's something down there and I'm on it.
Just a gorgeous scene. I hated to have to leave this. The beach was sandy not muddy, sky was perfect and the water lapped the shore and the resulting sound exemplified solitude.
Oh, I hate to leave.

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