Thursday, September 13, 2007


I just wanted to throw this thought in here. Below are three chapters of a book I have been thinking of writing. This blog is probably not the forum for a book, but I thought I would lay it on ya just for fun. I have learned one thing in this endeaver. It's a lot of work writing a book. Now I know why professional writers only write books. Retired people write books too because they have time if they are so inclined. I'll throw a chapter up on here now and then just to keep it going. It has taken me weeks to complete three chapters and those chapters have just set the scene and provided a flavor of the period. I haven't even gotten into the meat of the subject. Anyway, hope you like the character, Matty. By the way. Daniel Boone actually was a wagon driver during the Braddock campaign on Fort Duquesne in Pennsylvania. The historical aspects of the story are accurate. Matty Soloman is my fictional character so far.

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