Monday, October 8, 2007


Just lying here in the grass near the new boat landing on the East Lake Shore Trail watching my two kids, Douglas and Happy, swimming and chasing each other. My thoughts are of Shade; the black lab I have been writing about lately. She is missed not only by myself but by Douglas and Happy too. They truly were a team. Douglas and Happy will swim alone now. However, the pain of her absence has been diminished due to a phone call I received from her new family. They read my blog entry below this newest entry about Shade and were touched enough to offer to return her if I wished it. I was very moved by that suggestion. I realize I have been overcome by that human frailty called saddness. They were obviously very sensitive to my feelings. I suddenly felt better about the whole affair. I know now that Shade will be loved. Not just given a home. But she will be wanted by these new people in her life. That is all she requires. She will reward them with her beautiful presence and devotion. Yes, I miss that big black head with the eyes that can see through mine, and her soft muzzle that she would lay upon my knee. I miss throwing my arms around her thick neck and pulling her head against my cheek at night. But I can rest tonight knowing that she graces another family with her presence and that Shade will be appreciated and will receive much the same attention from them. Shade has come a long way. Left abandoned on an island with death a certainty, found, and brought into an environment where dogs are held in high esteem, cared about and loved, given medical attention, and accepted by two wonderful dog friends "Douglas and Happy", and finally to end up in a permanent home with people who will care for her and appreciate her presence. She's a luck girl.
And so two stay and one moves on. The water is one less. But all three of our lives have been enhanced by you, Shade.
I am a better man since you have touched my life and allowd me to be with you. No more tears Shade; I'm happy for you. But you will always be just "there" in my thoughts. "Just right there, sweet dog."

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