Friday, November 30, 2007


It's 3:30PM Friday and I took Sigh, Douglas, Happy and Shade down to the ruins for some fresh air. A really bad cold with flu like symptoms hit me yesterday at work and I awakened this morning at 3:00AM feeling terrible. Couldn't get back to sleep. I talked to Douglas for a little while and he seemed to think I should just put him in the truck and get out in the woods. He always has that opinion. But I feel better today, especially since I'm here at the ruins site with my friends. The sky is blue and not a breeze is stirring. I can hear where the dogs are by listening to the crunching leaves. Gorgeous day! I am not usually very vocal about political thoughts but there is something that has me wondering and a bit concerned. I'm not sure anyone has thought about it. Our Southern border is wide open. Everyone knows that. We have all heard the rhetoric directed to higher health care, escalating education costs, fewer jobs, social security depletion, and much more due to the influx of "millions" of Mexican illegals. I use the term illegals purposely. They are not immigrants. They are not migrants. They are not second class citizens. They are not even any kind of citizens. They are illegal persons who have crept across the border of our United States of America. Anyway; Picture this. Envision a clear gallon container filled with water. That's 128 ounces. Then empty an eye dropper of blue dye into the water. Not much difference. Now, empty half a pint of blue dye into the gallon of water. The water becomes stained. It is tainted. Pretend the blue dye is Mexicans and the gallon of water the United States. This exercise is not about money or border lines on a map. This has to do with our way of life. You see, the more Mexicans who infiltrate our population, the more influential they're customs and traditions will be upon the American traditions and customs and OUR heritage. The problem will materialize, I believe, when the American government will institute changes in our systems in order to compensate for the foreign influx of aliens. For instance; already there is talk of creating a Mexican Independence Day in the U.S. New Mexico and Colorado Mexican residence's are already suing government for the right to hang their Mexican flag along side of Old Glory. A little bit at a time and a piece at a time; a melding of heritages will occur until the purity of the heritage that our nation is built upon will be eroded and be reconstructed into a new blend of Mexamerican tradition. The greater the Mexican population (blue dye) the greater the influence on our heritage. Our politicians are already changing the tone of this country as when addressing the immigrant situation. Listen to them. I'm hearing "let them stay" and "grant them amnesty." Why? Why? Theodore Roosevelt stood on a table in a square in New York one chilly day and addressed the crowd about him. He said "our door is open to any honest man or woman who wants to come in, but they will do it legally." "There is but one flag; the American Flag in this country." "The spoken word in the United States of America is English; learn it." "There are not French Americans, Russian Americans, Polish Americans or any foreign Americans of any kind." "The United States citizens are Americans period." Now, think of what has happened since Teddy's speech. Any problems using the word Christmas to describe that holiday? How about Thanksgiving? Oh, where have all the Christian murals gone in front of government buildings? When have you heard the pledge of allegiance lately. How about wishing everyone Happy Holidays. This all goes beyond political correctness. Political correctness can never be exacted in a perfectly uniform fashion. Never ever! The term political correctness, I believe, is a cop out for politicians who do not want to stand their ground and demand the term American be accepted by all who live here. African American, Polish American etc. That something to be proud of personally. But this is America. Not Poland and not Africa. Those people are Americans period. Nothing else. Our politicians have sold all Americans short on that topic. What's wrong with pledging allegiance to the American Flag? If your an American you should be proud to. So who are all these people who don't want to? If anyone wishes to enter this country, I feel exactly as Teddy Roosevelt did when he made that speech. I feel they should accept the social and traditional environment as it exists in OUR country. Or stay out. But there is a slow process going on that is undermining our traditions and heritage and it has reached our education processes and that plants the seed of change in our children; the future of this country. You can take that to the bank....

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