Saturday, March 29, 2008


T.W.O. stands for two wheels only. It is a campground located near Suches, Georgia where routes 180 and 60 meet. The campgrounds are exquisite for tent camping. A clean, neat shower house is on the grounds as well as a lodge with a dining and TV area. The dining area walls are proliferated with motorcycle and rural memorabilia that lend a flavor of old home, country style hospitality. In short; the place is wonderful. The motorcycle riding in the area can only be explained as fantastic! Route 180 North toward Blood Mountain is a smooth asphalt two lane curvy piece of perfection. From there, pick any road. They are all fabulous. Meals are served at the TWO lodge but for the folks who want to sample restaurant food in the area; Dahlonega is about 17 miles South of the campground. Buell motorcycle owners held a rally here at TWO this weekend. The camp ground was full of these fast little motorcycles of all colors. Tents were erected in haphazard fashion on any piece of ground they could be fit upon. Buell owners congregated in clusters to share stories, compare bikes and enjoy camaraderie. It was a fun time. I stayed two nights and left. The Georgia mountain roads were calling and I missed my room mates at home. My dog friends. I owe them a day out in the woods. That will be tomorrow. But now I see hard rain clinging to the mountain. Oh Boy! North Georgia has some of the most gorgeous, rugged, and beautiful mountains in this entire country. The Chattahoochee National Forest This is my friend Ed. He is a gracious gentleman who would do anything for a guy or gal. He is road savvy and a wonderful travelling companion, and the best friend a guy ever had. The second morning at TWO revealed that a lot of bikes came during the night. The field in the picture was practically empty when we arrived the previous day. It would appear the woodpeckers have discovered a Spring smorgasbord of termites in this tree. Our friend Dave pitched his tent between Ed and I. Mine is the light blue tent. That old girl has been home to me on a lot of outings. This is the first picture of Ed's tent. Note the welcome mat. As if anyone would want to come in. ha. This is Ed's home for the next couple days. If I have to listen how great that tent is again I'm going to brain him. It is pretty though. Home sweet home. The Bug is packed up and ready to leave. 4:30AM Saturday Morning

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