Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I took a break from motorcycling and boat projects to take Sigh, Douglas, Shade and Happy to the lake and woods. They haven't been out in a couple weeks. I am thankful for the huge fenced in yard they have for their exercise and protection. We spent an hour on the shore line of Tellico playing their favorite game. I throw the stick in the water and they go get it. Well, its a big deal to them. The experts say that dogs live for the moment and have no idea of time. I'm not sure I agree with that. I can come and go daily and they simply greet me at the gate. But when I put the camera into my shoulder bag and pick up my fedora hat; they act like its Christmas. They, one and all, will wait impatiently at the gate to the yard anticipating their trip to the lake and woods. I guess it's and association thing; a learned response to my preparation. I'm lying in the grass in a clearing and they all are resting near by. They have been running full out since we arrived an hour ago. The rest is welcomed by each one. The wind is blowing about 30 miles per hour and there's a pure, deep blue sky. Branches with the greenest leaves are rocking back and forth and up and down. It is 80 degrees but the heat is dry. What a day! Maybe a boat ride tonight. I haven't been on the boat much as there are things that I was not satisfied with. The trailer really needed re-engineered. The bow stop was not functioning to my expectations and the winch that is used to pull the boat back onto the trailer was too hard to crank. The bow would not contact the rubber stop on the trailer either. I installed a winch rated for 1200 pounds and redesigned the trailer bow stop. Boats have to be supported by the trailer bunks. (boards with carpet on them) and rest snugly against the bow stop. The bow stop prevents the boat from rocking up and down while on the trailer. Then the weight of the boat must be supported by the (bunks) boards that run the length of the boat from underneath. So all is well there. I will be going on an overnight camp trip with Douglas next couple days off. So that's the update. Ha, decided to take the boat out and float around tonight. The wind died down and the surface is glassy. Looks like a great sun set too. I'd like to stay out here till midnight but the Tennessee State Hog (Harley Owner's Group) is this Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Townsend, TN about ten miles from the Harley Dealership I work at. We're expecting three to five thousand motorcycles each day at the dealership and I guess I should try to get some sleep. Not my cup of tea, these crowds. So I better get out of here. Till next time; Live each day as if it were the last.

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