Friday, July 25, 2008


click pictures to enlarge I had a guilt complex about not spending time with my little friends, Douglas and Happy, so when I got home yesterday from the Holocaust Boxcar visit I gathered up Happy and Douglas and headed for a camp spot on Tellico Lake. Happy has had the unfortunate ability to fall off the boat so I had to order her a life vest. There are a couple pictures of her flaunting her beauty while wearing this new garb. The vest has a handle on top and all I have to do to retrieve her is reach over the side of the boat and pick her up like a suit case. Pretty neat! I think Douglas crowds her off to the side too close to the edge and she plops on over. Her feet are small and she has a problem finding purchase. I found a really secluded spot back in a cove that would serve just perfectly. It had a sandy beach and open spots to erect a tent. I had ideas of reading but the lake was so beautiful, I simply stared. Sweet Douglas stayed close all night. He and Happy swam constantly even at night. Happy became a nuisance as she insists on being all over me, even in the tent. I watched the sun dissolve and the night appear totally. There were stars but an overcast sky pushed them gently away leaving interesting dark shadows. And still my kids stayed with me My friend was tired. It's a big job acting as first mate on a vessel. Big responsibility. He's beautiful even when napping. He's a good first mate. He is checking the tether to the boat before another nap. He will spend the night just outside the door to my tent. He is also a guard dog. He hears all. Misses nothing. He is a comfort to have at night in a strange place. The rain patted against the tent roof and made me fall into a deep sleep. I was awakened by a cold nose against the back of my hand. Happy! Little happy just had to spend the night on the edge of my sleeping bag. I have some great friends! We were up early and on the lake for a morning run about before heading for the loading dock. This sunrise alone makes the camping effort worth it. I saw this modest shack and thought about buying it as a rental income. But thought better of it. I don't like the color. How much is enough?

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