Saturday, October 4, 2008


click pictures to enlarge Wow! I mean Wow!! Here we are; Douglas, Happy and I sitting in front of the tent, on the shoreline, in a very remote area of Santeelah Lake, North Carolina. Santeela isn't a huge lake, like I'm used to, but it is primitive. Santeelah lies just off Route 129 inside North Carolina. The beauty of it is that her waters extend far into the Cherokee National Forest. No roads and no noise. No boats and no people. It's just too far for the tourists to bother with it seems. The Gheenoe is beached about thirty feet away from the tent and my two fearless guardians are on duty; ready to fight off any vicious denison's of the forest that may come along. After arriving at and preparing the campsite on a great beach area, I noticed I had forgotten the dog food. It was left in the truck So Happy and Douglas will have to make do with the honey, oat and all grain natural granola bars that I brought for late at night. Yep. They will be fine. I, however, will have to go unrewarded for my hard day's struggle across the lake. It felt good to sit back and catch up on some writing. It's so quiet! I got my foot wet pushing the boat away from the dock area, so that is a bit uncomfortable. I keep forgetting it's Fall and the nights are cold. The sun is falling behind the mountains now and the lake is assuming its night time surface texture of glass. It's simply beautiful...... I'm not planning an extended stay this trip. I'll tool around the lake to gain the flavor of it and probably be on the road toward home by noon tomorrow. The tourists will be flocking all over route 129, the dragon, and it will be choked with crotch rockets blasting as if there's no tomorrow. I would like to beat that bunch across the mountain. Fall is definitely here. I've got my winter jacket on and fortunately I picked up the goose down sleeping bag. Oh, I have Happy as an additional source of heat. Douglas and Happy are great dogs! Night is almost upon us and my thoughts turn to my good friend who lies in a hospital undergoing cancer treatment. He is holding his own and fighting hard. Time will tell. Time will tell! It looks like Douglas found the mud flats I had hoped he would miss. I've got to get him to jump in the lake one more time to wash off the mud. He's having a ball! I'll use up the rest of the light reading a chapter from "Natural History's" by Stephen Bales. It is a book about the Tennessee Valley filled with information about the flora and fauna of the region. Mr. Bales is a naturalist at Ijams Nature Center in Knoxville. A very knowledgable gentleman. My sweet little boy. It's all for him.

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