Sunday, November 23, 2008


click pictures to enlarge Finally; the temperature has risen to 45 degrees and the day is sunny. It's been in the teens at night and not much better during the day. Well; a little better. I'm into the third day of a string of off days from work and today is the first decent day to get the dogs together for a hike in the woods. I was in such a hurry I forgot my hat and glasses. Getting old I guess. Usually this time of year finds folks staying home near the fire indoors. But I find it an exciting time to be in the out doors. Leaves are mostly off the trees and the ground is covered in a golden, leafy blanket. The dogs love to roll and burrow into them. Birds can be seen more frequently through the bare limbs of trees Simply allow your eyes to follow the music and you'll find the little fellow. The huge lake is gray and cold in appearance. It is an amazing contrast to the days of Spring and Summer where the waters are electric and vibrant with reflection. Winter extracts a different beauty in lakes. They are mirror smooth, but gray and cold. They speak at human kind to use caution when upon them. It is a quiet day. The only sound is the rustle of leaves as the dogs walk upon them. I have Douglas, Shade, Happy and Sigh today. I need to get out with my boy Douglas. Just him and me. It used to be just the two of us morning till night. But as the others came, I feel we've lost some of our closeness. He has the distraction of others on our outings where as before, it was just me. Maybe I'm jealous of the others. Ha; now there's a twist. He has matured into a gorgeous golden boy. No; a spectacular golden boy. He is so beautiful I sometimes stop in mid stride to just look at him move. He was the little puppy with feet three times too large for his body. I always wondered what those feet would eventually support. Now I know.......

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