Tuesday, January 20, 2009


click on photo's to enlarge My first house in Tennessee in Cherokee Nat. Forest. It was a fixer upper and one of the biggest remodel challenges I have ever undertaken alone. Winter seems to be holding on a long time this year. Usually, here in Tennessee, there are a few 45 or 50 degree days that just seem to happen from time to time during the winter months. This year hasn't seen many of them. The much appreciated days off are spent inside playing with the computer or taking the dogs to the lake and woods and enduring the uncomfortable cold of the day. The dogs don't seem to care. But I don't like it. All my escape mechanisms are bundled up in shed or under tarp just waiting to carry me away to the wilderness and adventure, but the extreme cold dampens my enthusiasm. It seems, in winter, that unfortunate and difficult situations take on more negative connotations. Even the dogs, who are my best friends, try my patience with their canine antics. I find myself going out to the shed to look at the motorcycle or the canoe for a minute at a time. I just want to be out on or in them. All the social trials and tribulations, money, cost of dog feed, income, gas expenditures, food costs, ability to save and the economy, all seem more foreboding in the winter. It's as if those concerns are lessened by the heat of summer. I guess a guy could live under a bridge in the Summer if he had to a lot easier than in Winter. Things happen in the Summer. Motorcyclists are active, boats are on the lake and tourists are asking how to get places from here. Things are jumping. New life occurs in Spring and Summer, at least in my environment. But I am thankful for what I have and where I am. I am living life to its fullest, and that is determined by the individual's need's. My needs are not many. Some of my best friends are my dogs, here in Tennessee, and those people who share my love of them. I'll just wait it out, like everyone else. Spring will come soon just like every other year, and I will use every minute of the Spring and Summer months as if it was my last. One never knows; does one?

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