Friday, January 2, 2009


click pictures to enlarge Today warmed up enough to make a trip to Indian Boundary Lake. And today I arranged to meet a friend at the lake. It was really a treat to have another human being to talk to on one of my adventures. Normally I hold conversations with dogs or simply discuss the nature of things with myself. As you may gather from the pictures; Paul and I paddle the same model canoe. They are Esquif Champlain s. These Canadian kevlar canoes are light and fast. These canoes are highly maneuverable and have a super long glide. They are really easy to paddle and handle. The day was really overcast. Photography would be a challenge. I have been cursing the camera I use as of late and difficult photographic situations have been persuading me to take the plunge and spend the one thousand dollar plus on a new Nikon or upper crust Canon camera. I have had some splendid opportunities to capture unique wildlife pictures and have been disappointed in the results of the finished photos. One of my favorite animals of all time is the otter. This lake is otter heaven. I have photographed them over and over and the results have been respectable but never perfect. This situation is unacceptable. I believe that a persons skill can only be as good as the equipment he uses. The otter photos below are prime examples. A perfect approach was made to get within camera range of the little imp but the technological deficiencies of the equipment would not allow a crisp, perfectly clear image to be captured. The culprit is digital zoom. Digital zoom is a total waste of time and a useless technology. I feel that if it can't work perfectly; then don't put it in cameras at all. It's use results in very grainy photos. It is popular in snapshot cameras but sadly lacking for professional use. One just can't beat interchangeable lenses for optical clarity. Aarrg! I can't take it! Perhaps it's best not to enlarge these shots. They are fuzzy and not clear and crisp. Opportunities to photograph this elusive animal do not present themselves often and it is a shame not to be able to capture it with camera as seen. It does not do the otter any justice. I apologize here and now to the noble subject for my inability to reproduce him perfectly. Enough complaining about technology. Overcast or sunny; this lake is gorgeous. It is surrounded by some of the most spectacular scenery imaginable. It doesn't matter which direction one turns to; the view will be fantastic. What a great lake to camp on. I can't wait. Paul had a fancy, hand made paddle that was designed with curves in it to aid in handling and to create efficiency in the paddle stroke. I have to admit I looked upon this strange device with, let us say, a controversial eye. But when I watched him using this strange paddle, I could see its worth. He could paddle faster and use less effort than I. I like the idea and I'll probably pick one up for myself if I run across one in an outdoor store. But it is strange looking. Paul can make a canoe talk. He has been using canoe's for years and has taught the skill to boy scouts and others. This has been a very pleasant afternoon with Paul. I am anticipating another outing with him.

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