Sunday, April 19, 2009


click on photos to enlarge I spent the last two days laying tile for a bathroom project I started over four months ago and thought I would take today and tomorrow off from that labor and spend time on the lakes. The weather is not cooperating. There was a break in the rain this morning until around 3PM and then it rained sporadically until 5:30PM. I did get to the woods with Douglas for a couple hours mid afternoon. He needed to get out for exercise. Rain started falling steady when we returned and has been relentless since. I think the days of soft rain fall are gone. It seems that only hard, torrential down pours are the norm. I tried to read a book and even tried to write another chapter to my book I'm writing but, I find I can't focus on those tasks in this environment. I need to be out along the water and under trees to think properly. I've spoiled myself by assimilating into all the beauty that surrounds me here in Tennessee. So tonight I'm just enjoying my little family of furry friends. They are all quiet, just lying about being good. Tommy, above, and the newest temporary addition to the group is a gentle one year old Irish Setter. He is a temporary visitor until I can get him a permanent home. He is such a gentle, sweet guy. This dog is truly amazing! He loves to lay down beside me and put his leg over me. He just has to touch me in some way. He will lay his muzzle across my neck or on my leg as he draws a couple deep breaths and drifts off to sleep. He stays so close to me he is constantly under foot. An exceptional partner. Someone is going to be very lucky to adopt this sweetest of sweet dogs. Sal, above, is a tiny, tiny adult beagle. She is another temporary inhabitant here at the dog habitat. She also is up for adoption. This little beagle kept getting through the fence and I could not understand how. Then I noticed her stuck halfway through the hole I cut in the wooden part of the fence so the cats could come and go. She actually laid her little front legs back along side her body and wriggled through the hole like a fish. Amazing! Her name is Sal but she responds best when I call Beagle! Beagle! Shes a darling. And I'll miss her sweetness when she is adopted. And then there's old Sigh above. No one knows her age. She has been with me a long, long time. I can hear her snoring. I laid an old sheet over a dog cage and she thinks it's a cave. She has been sleeping in that thing for years. I think it's a security issue. Occasionally Happy or Beagle will slip in there and fall asleep and Sigh stands and whines until I oust the offender. She bounds in, lays down and starts snoring within minutes. Funny lady. Happy sometimes sleeps with Sigh in the cave. Those two have been friends ever since they met. Then there is Happy. The name of Nutmeg was suggested but this little dog is so full of joy that the name Happy just stuck. There has never been a dog that displays total dedication to a human like this girl. She lives for the moment I can be here. Happy has actually placed herself between me and new dog guests several times to keep them away from me. I guess I could say she is possessive. She is not a rare beauty but she is the epitome of what a dog should be to a human. And then there's Shade. She is the big goof of the bunch. Ever ready to play. Ever ready to be touched and petted. She listens when she wants to and rarely does. But oh, what a loving dog. She presses against me and sits and stares at my face. When I lay down in bed and shut off the light; I can reach back behind my head over the edge of the bed and it will rest on the top of her head. She sits there just waiting for a final touch from me each and every night. I withdraw my hand and she lays down on the floor with a solid ka flop and sleeps silently. It makes me overlook how bad she is during the day. Heres my boy Douglas. He's the main guy. Douglas and I have been together for over four years now. We have had many adventures in that time, especially when we worked together for Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA). Douglas would go to work with me morning, noon and night. He was my constant partner. We still go out weekly together with the other family members, but it's not like old times. The addition of other pack members has relaxed the intensity of our relationship somewhat. Where he used to respond instantly to my commands; he now seems to test me in my resolve to lead him. But I soon let him know who's who in the relationship. He is my main and best friend. When I take him out, just him and me; it's like old times. He responds well to my guidance. When Happy, Shade and he go out together; the temptation to follow the crowd is sometimes greater than my influence. But he's my partner and I love him. Thats the family. Each is unique in his or her own way. Each compliments the other and each has found the level within the organization that allows peace to exhist among them. Different breeds and different sizes. They all live harmoniously together. We all co exhist here in this warehouse room. A motly crew for sure. But, on this damp, chilly rainy night their company is welcomed. They are all sleeping now and they all look innocent in their calmness. Each is truly innocent. Totally so.............

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