Wednesday, November 25, 2009


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Today is a day off and tomorrow is Thanksgiving. The temperature is around 65 degrees (a guess) and a good day to take my guys out for some exercise. I have been wanting to play around with the adjustments on the Canon 50D camera and today would be the day. I hate to alter adjustments that I know work when I'm out for a serious outing. Today is just one of those days where motivation stayed home in bed. We drove to the ruins but, today I would take the kids on a little hike along the lake and back across the fields where the old barn is.  The photography will not be directed toward capturing unique wildlife or of capsizing boats.  I just want to see if I can accurately portray my visions in a photograph.  Sloth is the my master today.

Everyone is listening to me today.  Wonder what they want.  The outdoor world is surrounded by shades of brown.  The bright colors of Fall are gone.  Things are brown with a touch of green.

There is nothing wrong with brown.  It's neutral to everything.  But, it reigns supreme this time of year.  Things brown seem to compete with each other to see who has the most impressive hue.

I would like to be able to identify each and every plant I photograph but, alas, I find the field guides sadly lacking.  That's part of my difficulty.  The other part is that I, like many otheres, am a bit on the lazy side and haven't put forth the determined effort required to be proficient in plant identification.  By the way;  field guides aren't cheap.
Every now and again a splotch of green and color appear.

Color is hard to find out here today.  The brown things are prevalent.   Most are willowy and whispy or fluffy.  The brown things are often the remnants of what once were flourishing vibrant plants, now, at their ends.

 Nature allows the brown things to debue on center stage in their own show for a time, and then she suddenly brings the final curtain down just in time for Winter

It's hard to pick the star of the show with all these beauties playing on stage at once.

Occassionally one rises above the rest in beauty and form.

We hiked down along the lake and the dogs just had to scatter a large flock of coots.  They sounded like the wind out of the North as they rushed to and across the water.

I didn't have the 400 mm lens on when I photographed the coots.  Their assemblage is impressive.  I call them "the coot family."
While I was fooling with the coots;  Shade took advantage of the moment to swim.  Of course I had to toss the stick for her.  She's a darling.  Douglas, who is normally with us, is busy standing under a huge tree staring up the trunk where he saw a ground squirrel run.

Good Girl

Our wandering takes us back to the old ruins.  This is a good spot to slip off this camera back pack and just move around the area with the camera.  I never get tired of being in this place.  I like it due to its lack of publicity.   Not many come here.  No golf courses or bars;  no engines and no garbage.

No, it's not Pompeii

It seems there is a hint of color left over from Fall here and there.

The green things appear to hide and keep a low profile.  They know the browns are the dominent factor just before winter

Occassionally everyone gets into the scene and mixes together in a potpourri of color

Things green are the bold orchestra, while the players on the stage are the browns.  It is a grand production and we are the fortunate audience.

Our trail leads around the ruins and our eyes miss nothing.

There is so much to see out here in nature.  People ask me what I do when I go out "there" by myself.  "Why don't you take someone with you?  Aren't you afraid something will happen?"  I find it useless to explain my motivations to them.  It is an effort in futility.  And if I didn't go alone;  I'd never get there.  I sometimes think I have been born too late and that I would have fit into the scheme of things better a few hundred years earlier.  As for the "by myself" part of the question;  I get along just fine with a good dog.

Big time hunter!  "Douglas; let the moles alone."

Things are starting to take on a cold look.  The look of Winter.  But, here and there one can find some left over color where some paint dribbled off Maw Nature's brush

We are nearing the old barn that sits close to the ruins.  The Park Service and Tennessee Wildlife Resources use it to store grain and equipment.  It is in a state of disrepair and getting worse.  But, it's a rustic old barn.

They made em to last back then

I have photographed this land down here at the ruins for about four years now and one would think there is nothing left new to take a picture of.  Nature is ever changing, evolving.  What was here last season is altered somewhat.  It is older and gains character.  It will eventually crumble and be ascimilated back into the natural world.  Nothing lasts forever.  Colorful, vibrant plants and animals that delight our eyes must go the way of all things.  And so must we.  And so we all will.  Enjoy our natural heritage while you can.  Drink deep the sweet visions provided by the natural world and carry on a responsible stewardship of natures wonders.   We are all temporary, just like the greens and browns.  And when we are gone;  a new dawn will arrive full of new color to start a new show for all to see.  Enjoy!  Enjoy and learn while you can.

I call the creative photographic image you see below simply "JUNK"

If you found just one photo you really liked;  then I'm happy.  Till next time;  be kind to a dog.  They're innocent.
added note:  I discovered I didn't have my image stabilization turned on the lens for any of these photos.  Hence a blurr or two.

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