Saturday, February 13, 2010


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I took the dogs down to the old state park (ruins) this morning for a little snow running.  It was mid thirties in temperature and the sun was bright.  These were perfect conditions for photographing birds.  I soon learned that bird photography and dogs do not mix.  A sharp shinned hawk landed in a beach tree directly in front of me while sitting at the ruins and the dogs ran under the tree at the most opportune moment.  I never got the camera to my face.
The bird of the day seemed to be the cedar waxwing.  They were everywhere in the trees.  A few blue birds were hear and there but the cedar wings were the prominent species.  They were picking little berries off tree branches and appeared at ease with the day.
These are delightful birds to watch.  Their color is elegant and the masked face adds a special uniqueness and seals their individualism.

A blue bird appears
Ah;  some bright color
Some movement over to the right on the ground show a sparrow scratching out a meal for himself.  Some folks look down at this little bird but, they are as important as the most powerful, dynamic eagle.  Sparrows fight for life too.
Douglas was having a great day too.  The birds are wary about him but,  it's his morning and I can't complain about him scaring birds.  Gotta love him.  He's gorgeous.
The snow gently lay upon the branches of the low growing bushes and small trees.  The forest floor was covered in white.  The vision was beautiful but, would not last.  The sun would change the look with the coming of noon.  This is Tennessee;  not Pennsylvania.  The snow would soon disappear from the bushes.
A couple more shots of cedar waxwings and it will be time to leave.  I hope you enjoyed the birds.  Note the crest on his head
I'm not the best photographer but, I'm improving.  Thanks for your patience with my photographic attempts.  See you next time.  Don't forget to help a dog out.

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