Friday, December 24, 2010


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The signature above belongs to Happy, the little white and brown dog you will see from time to time in this blog.  Each of my dog friends displays a unique print much like finger prints.

You will be seeing a different look to the blog.  I am allowing advertisements to be placed on the blog entries that pertain to the things I like.   I'll give it a try but, if the advertisements get out of hand and become obnoxious; I'll stop them.  I want to see photography, dog and pet, camping, canoe and kayak and motorcycle related ads show up mostly.  As I said previously;  if it gets out of hand I'll stop all advertisements.  I believe advertisements are useful if they are blog subject related.  I personally visited other blogs and clicked on their advertisements to help me decide upon photography equipment and canoe related equipment that might suite my special requirements.  The ads are clean so don't be afraid to click on them.  We'll try the "ads thing" for awhile and see.
The above print belongs to Shade, the black lab.
Tomorrow is Christmas day.  I've got nothing much planned accept for a nice morning with the dogs in the forest.  I might fire up the Gheenoe in the afternoon for a cruise down Tellico Lake.  We are to get some snow here tonight and tomorrow so any lake activity will be a knee jerk decision at that moment in time.
Today finds us on the East Coast Tellico hiking trail that borders a large cove just off the main channel of the lake.  The hiking trail follows the above cove on both sides.  You can see how low the lake has been drawn down by Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).
 Douglas is almost back to normal after his tragic fall yesterday.  I thought I may have lost him after that fall.  I had a sample of terror yesterday as I carried his limp body to the truck as fast as I could.  What a relief it was to see him stand and walk.  The story is on this blog page two entries below this one.  He is still feeling the pain as he was limping this morning when he awakened.  I'll keep a close eye on him.
It's been a few years since I've been back to Pennsylvania, my original home, for Christmas.  That's primarily due to the cost of getting there in the Winter.  Winter equals travel by old 1991 Ford truck that gets about 12 miles per gallon.  A trip in Summer equals travel by motorcycle and 54 miles per gallon.  Obviously Summer is the best time for me to travel.  I do miss all my old friends a lot.  If Christmas carried with it the flavor it used to from back in the sixties;  I doubt I could resist going no matter what the cost.  But for now I'm blessed to be allowed to live in one of the most beautiful places in the United States with a few of the finest dog friends imaginable to keep me company.  The escape mechanisms, two canoes, motor boat and motorcycle, await my commands.
Note the little park bench up on the bank.  This is where I like to stop and write.  Look just above center in the picture for the bench.  What a beautiful place to stop!  I'm standing where normally water lays.

Spring will bring new explorations by canoe and I have plans for a one week long enduro motorcycle trip on dirt roads.  So please stay tuned in to the blog.

I will do another review of the Mistral 17.5' canoe when I take her on the first lake camp out.  There's a lot coming up.
A little black dog appeared on the trail and Happy befriended it.  He's an old, old dog as can be seen by the gray hair under his chin and on his neck.
For awhile I thought "here I go again; another boarder at the habitat."  But, then an old guy came hobbling up the trail and he was the owner of the little old black dog.  Whew!  I got off the hook with that one.  I'll leave no dog homeless if I run across one.
And again I thank you for your interest in reading about the things I care about.  I promise that next season will  present even better material for the blog as I will retire in March.  That leaves lots more time to sit in a canoe, camp and to explore by motorcycle.   Merry Christmas and may the wind be at your backs.

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