Monday, July 4, 2011


I put this slide show together as best I could.  I've got pictures of Douglas all over this blog.  I felt I needed to do this one last mention of my innocent, sweet, pure little boy.  He was my motivation,  my savior in hard times and my trustworthy companion ever since I met him.  I miss him more than words can say.  He didn't deserve the horrible, painful death he had to endure.  My heart is broken entirely in two over his loss.  I'll try to move on and refrain from posting thoughts about him.  I'll try....

1 comment:

  1. Gary, you gave Douglas the dream life of any dog, he was as fortunate to have you as you were to have him. Take your time moving on, it is not something you can rush, if posting thoughts helps, post thoughts, they say time heals all wounds, and it will take time, take all the time you need. My heart aches for you and your other dogs, it will get easier as time goes on, one day you will not cry when you think of him, you will smile :)


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