Monday, September 5, 2011


A lady named Cat Faber wrote and sings a song for my sweet, lost golden boy.  I have not published it until now as I felt the tremendous loss sweep over me when I envisioned Douglas through the song.  The song is beautiful.  I pasted the words below the link to the song.  Thank you again, Cat.  I am moved by the words and melody of your tribute to my golden son.  And, he would find joy in listening to it.

a cappella mp3 here  The words are pure and clear with this link



lyrics and melody by Cat Faber  mp3 here; a cappella mp3 here

Douglas loved to explore, but his heart, as his guide,
As a compass turns north, drew him back to your side;
To see all was well, to enjoy a quick break,
Came Douglas, the great golden dog of the lake.

Cresting the hill to see what could be found,
Flowing like water across broken ground,
The quick turn of his head, checking back for your sake,
Went Douglas, the great golden dog of the lake.

Sure-footed he stood on the bow in the swells,
Seeing the sights and collecting the smells,
Looking back with a smile, leaving joy in his wake,
Rode Douglas the great golden dog of the lake


Asleep in the sun, with his chin on a thwart,
Swimming out for a stick, chasing mallards for sport,
Coming back to the shore for a roll and a shake,
Was Douglas the great golden dog of the lake.

The sweet golden boy, that you loved like a son,
May he yet bring you comfort where memories run.
For your life was made rich by the joy you could take
In Douglas, the great golden dog of the lake

1 comment:

  1. A couple of my friends have commented on what a great dog Douglas was.


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