Tuesday, September 13, 2011


My job requires me to be on the lake most every day accept for scheduled days off.  I've often said that my office can be described by saying; my floor is the water, the walls the shoreline and the ceiling the sky.  It's wonderful!  Summer or Winter, the office receives a new decor on a daily basis.  I love it.  This morning was misty, or foggy, however one wishes to describe it.  I know this part of the lake fairly well and know where the boat can be driven safely.  I can pretty much hold a course to target in heavy fog or even dark on certain sections of lake;  not all sections, however.   I enjoyed this morning.  There were no people or boats, it was dead quiet and still and I was surrounded with soft gray fluff.  All ahead slow....Oh;  I wouldn't recommend trying this at home.  Wait till the fog lifts...

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