Sunday, September 25, 2011


click on photos to enlarge
I kid around alot about Cherokee Lake being a stone quarry with water in it.  Some mornings it is really attractive and other mornings it is a dismal looking place.  Notice, I didn't use the word pretty.  I'll stop at attractive.  The lake will be lowered another forty feet before it's done with.
The photo above gives an idea of how much water has been drained off the lake in preparation for possibilities of receiving flood water from the coming winter.  All that brown shoreline is normally under water.
Dangerous passage ahead

The narrow channel ahead will soon be too shallow to pass over
 Mother nature is making an effort to beautify this rock hole as best she can.  There isn't much to work with but she's trying.
Sometimes I'll cruise around an island and notice an especially interesting shoreline.  The shoreline in the picture below is an example of what I mean.  It almost appears as if the contour lines were added on purpose.  They are graceful and flowing.  The light was perfect for the picture.  This little spot is beautiful to the eye.  There are many such "special" places on the lake created by the lowering of the water level.  But, as a whole;  the combination of all the bare, brown shoreline lacking in the color green gives one a sense of a dismal environment.
Graceful contours
A break from the water and a short walk unveil further attempts by Mother Nature at beautifying the area.  Key word is "attempt."
Each tiny item of beauty exists within it's own tiny environment surrounded by the desolate out land.

I guess the difference between Cherokee and other lakes is that one must search to find beauty here.  On the many other lakes I am familiar with; beauty is striking everywhere the eye falls.  It is smashing and can drive a body delirious with overwhelming gorgeousness.
A tired little girl.  It's been a long morning
I had to scour the banks with binoculars to find these little beauty spots.  I wonder what Fall will have in store on Cherokee Lake?
It's the end of the shift and we have to make for the boat ramp.  I'll keep an eye open for any outstanding sights on the way back.

A quiet cove

This shoreline is dramatic.  Rock or sand.  It can't make up it's mind


Lets go home Happy
 Douglas;  I'm not sure you'd like this mud hole but, I wish you were here to decide for yourself.

A canoe camping trip to Calderwood Lake is planned for day after tomorrow if the rains hold off.  See you then.

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