Friday, November 18, 2011


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The past year has been a year full of change for me.  The acquiring of a Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency (TWRA) position, owning my own home and property "that I never wanted", the loss of the most precious acquaintance in my life, my beautiful golden boy Douglas, and a new friendship with another Golden Retriever named Falcor.  With all the aforementioned also came an obsession with a fairytale place situated across a beautiful river at the foot of a rugged mountain.
My golden son, Douglas

That place is, was, named Scona Lodge, an extravagant, luxurious lodge that was built by the Alcoa Company to entertain the wealthiest of the wealthy.  In an odd set of circumstances,  Scona Lodge was destroyed by Alcoa.  I have discovered the history of the lodge and also why that incredible property was destroyed.
This interesting tale will be told shortly on this blog along with photographs of the lodge.  I need to discover dates in order to establish and solidify  time line for Scona.  I've been most fortunate to receive input from a person who spent a childhood at Scona Lodge and invaluable information from another person who actually worked there for years.  To them I am most grateful.  As I mentioned previously;  I've been visiting the lodge site for the past three years but, never understood what I was looking at.  Actually there isn't much to see at all.  The destruction of Scona is the most complete and perfect removal of buildings I've ever seen.  I have  always wondered why.  Now I know.  The Scona tale is a story of a magnificent hideaway place, tucked away in the shadows of obscurity,  born from a simple thought, destroyed out of ignorance and  relegated to a dark vault without any historical documentation written to prove it's existence. 
My intention is to write a history about Scona Lodge but, need more facts.  However, I do have enough information to create an interesting blog entry.
Another visit to Scona and a couple more interviews with principle people and I'll have the additional photographs and dates I need to complete the story of a real "once upon a time Fairytale house" that stood against a tall wilderness mountain across a clear, cold mountain river and became lost in time because of industrial folly.

1 comment:

  1. It is Fairytale beautiful. I'm bracing myself for something really ugly and I can't help but think our government had something to do with it. At first I thought I'd love to come see it, but I think it would make me feel uneasy, sad. Is that the feeling you come away with each time?


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