Thursday, December 1, 2011


I awakened this morning with a sore throat and thought better of driving the 85 miles back West to the Scona Site.  It is cold out with drizzle mixed with snow.  I wanted to find out what that strange building was that I saw on the mountain above the trout pond.  It will keep until next day off.  I just can't sit inside the house though.  Can't do it.   I packed up Falcor and drove North toward the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, (TWRA) work center at the Wildlife Management Area, (WMA).  I wanted to keep Falcor in the outdoors and learning the ropes of the wilds.  I'm not feeling too energetic so, we would keep pretty close to the truck.
I stopped at a small, fast moving stream along the way and let Falcor investigate the water.  I wanted him to feel what fast current is like and hopefully have it wash him over, or at least push his body a little bit.  This water was shallow and safe.  He approached it cautiously and really scrutinized the moving liquid.
If I close my eyes I could conjure up images of Slick Rock Creek in my mind.
There is nothing wild about where we were but, to Falcor it was adventure.
I notice that Falcor gravitates to the water no matter where we are.  He could just as easily go toward the woods and trees or brush but, he picks the water.  That's a good sign.  It's in his breed to do so.
I'm working on getting his confidence at a level where he is not afraid of the moving water yet, respects it.  Eventually the water will be "just water" to him and he will enter and exit it with total confidence.  We will be able to hike and encounter fast streams and I won't have to worry about him hesitating in crossing them.  He is just a 8 month old puppy at this time and does not have the power in his body to overcome heavy current or, swim long distances on big water.  It will all come in time.
This little stream is located beside a road in a very rural area.  It flows into the TWRA trout hatchery a few miles below it so the water is pure.  It's not wilderness but it's pretty and the best I can do today.
Notice how cautious he moves over the rocks.  This fast little stream is a big deal to a puppy who is destined to be a top notch water dog, and a Prince on the big water.

Whoa;  ain't goin down there.  Nope!
Oh no;  not going out there either.  Nope!

Falcor had a big day.  We didn't do much but he wore himself out with his investigations.  It's a big deal for a puppy.  He was tired when we got home.
 I hope this sore throat doesn't turn into something worse.  I need to be on the lake tomorrow with the state boat.  I don't know what I would do if I couldn't get to the lakes and forests.  Can't imagine. 
We will be returning to the Scona Lodge Site very soon to investigate that strange building on the mountain top.  A blog entry devoted to Scona Lodge is coming up in the near future so stay tuned in. 
Future plans include: a Christmas canoe paddle on Abrams Creek, canoe overnight on Slick Rock Creek at Calderwood and one last visit to Scona Lodge for the year to assure I haven't missed anything in my research of that wonderful property.  Thanks for looking in.

Douglas;  I could use your expert help with this new kid.  When he is awkward, I remember the things you did when you overcame those moments.  I love and miss you sweet boy.  Always on my mind and in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Falcor had a big day, learning new things about moving water. He is a beautiful dog.

    I hope your throat feels better soon.


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