Sunday, March 25, 2012


I have to apologize at the start here for the less than acceptable quality of the bird shots.  I inadvertently set the camera to full manual and did not compensate properly for the additionally required  fine settings.  I usually simply adjust for time or depth of field exposure and let the meter control the rest.  Sorry.  The enlargements may be a bit fuzzy.  The pictures of Shade, however, are perfect.

click photos to enlarge
Two of my favorite birds showed up in the woods beside my yard this afternoon.  Cardinals are always a showy bird in the spring and the little Downy Woodpecker is one of the most interesting little guys to watch there is.
A lot of folks confuse this little guy with the yellow-bellied sapsucker but, if you look at the red marking on his head - it is located to the rear.  The sapsucker has a red scull cap located more forward on the crown.  The little downy is about 5.5 to 6" tall whereas the yellow - bellied sapsucker is probably more in the 7" category. 
I watched him flit about on the tree trunk but, he always returned to near the spot above.  Occasionally he would lift a tiny piece of bark away from the tree and it would fall to the ground.

I notice these fellows hanging out with the chickadees and nuthatches that walk about on the tree trunks around here.  I used to think that birds of a feather flock together but, I may be mistaken on that old saying.

Photographing these birds reminds me that I have to get to Calderwood soon before the fuel prices get to $4.00 or I won't be able to afford the trip.  I really can't afford it now but, that's what I do and everything has its cost.

Actually, I was just killing a little time late this afternoon and thought I might as well pull the camera out.  The wind, as usual, is up and its chilled off a lot since yesterday so I wasn't motivated to take the motorcycle or the motor boat out.  I'm thinking of heading back to Chilhowee Lake tomorrow with the Gheenoe and Shade.  I won't risk taking the canoe and being disappointed again due to wind.
These little fellows dressed in their red tuxedo's are easy to spot and easy to follow with the naked eye.  They are like light bulbs among the dark places in the branches of the trees.

The most amazing thing happened yesterday concerning old Sigh, the over 16 year old hound that lives with us.  I'll not go into it here but I may post an entry later on tonight.  That old girl constantly amazes me.

These two birds created a nice memory for me of the end of this day.  I've got em captured for ever with the camera.  I love cameras.  They're non-intrusive.
Shade and I worked at the wildlife management area (WMA) at Buffalo Springs this morning repairing the steering on one of the agency boats.  After the job was complete, I took down to the creek for a much needed visit to her water world.  She loved it.

I've never seen a dog who loved to just sit or lay down in icy, cold water.  Shade loves this place as the water is cold, pure and sweet.  

Shade is a lucky girl.  She leads a life that other dogs can only dream about.  I take her with me every day and she has bonded to me intensely.  You can't imagine how close she is to me.  Outings like this keep her mind sharp and her interest at a high level.  That goes a long way in keeping her body healthy.  That reminds me - she's due for her annual physical.  I have to call Monday for an appointment.  Teeth cleaning is in there someplace.  Guess I'll put my physical on the back burner.  I sure love my girls - Shade, Happy and Chestnut.

We're off tomorrow and I'm sure we can get into something interesting.  I'm not one to sit around the house and waste time.  Thank you for looking in.  This entry was really just something for me to do, and I enjoy posting to my blog.  Thanks again.

1 comment:

  1. The Life of Riley, she does have it all! Really, you do too... you have the perfect job- other than long hours and paperwork I'm sure! Really good shots of the birds Gary. That Downy Woodpecker was after some kind of bug, don't you think? We are seeing big tree ants already this year. I'm going to try diotamaceous earth around the tree. Have you ever used that instead of an insecticide? We lost our cocker Ben in February but our neighbors dogs come for visits and don't want any kind of poison down that they might get into. Shade is so pretty!


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