Wednesday, March 28, 2012


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I put an entry on the blog the end of January depicting the efforts of TWRA in establishing fish habitat on the baron banks of Cherokee Lake.  We staked out thousands of discarded Christmas trees which would eventually be covered by water and would provide spawning grounds and areas for fish to hide and seek.  The lake is slowly filling with water and I visited the work site to see what was happening.  The water is coming up nicely and soon the trees will fulfill their intended purpose..


That's a lot of work - let me tell ya..


  1. Question for you, are these harmful if eaten by other wildlife if they are left to die or sun baked? Reminds me of the wonderful Kudzu vine being imported and let run wild to take over our land. Anne

    1. Thanks for your comment. I believe your comment belongs to the entry above this one concerning the Zebra Mollusk. In short - the zebra mollusk is a perfect filter feeder in that it is capable of a very high level of water filtration thereby removing practically all nutrients from the water. Along with the nutrients go the poisons, dioxins, nuclear waste, and all other contaminants. By the nature of the beast - they will eventually become a living poison pill that will infect any other animal in the food chain that ingests them. It ain't their fault. Humans gave them a free ride to our country and lakes. Humans can't control them in our lakes and, as usual, humans have no idea how to eliminate them. Humans, as usual, are the ultimate violators here. This mollusk infestation is the result of carelessness.

  2. The trend in the industry is going to artificial habitat structures that will last forever. Products like provide inert substrates that grow the bio film that feeds fish, while not decomposing and removing dissolved oxygen.


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