Wednesday, March 14, 2012


The American Fisheries Society (AFS), founded in 1870, is the oldest and largest professional society representing fisheries scientists. AFS promotes scientific research and enlightened management of resources for optimum use and enjoyment by the public. It also encourages a comprehensive education for fisheries scientists and continuing on-the-job training
The Tennessee Chapter is an active local extension of the AFS. The chapter is composed of professionals, students and others with an interest in the area of fisheries.   Copy/paste the link below:

Above is a quick movie of Fall Creek Falls located within the boundaries of Fall Creek Falls State Park.  This magnificent park is located in Pikeville, Tennessee which is considered Middle Tennessee by folks down here.  Its a 20,000 acre park that was created in 1935.  I won't go into a history dissertation on the park here as its easy to find information about it on the internet.  I'll throw another short clip on this entry that is similar to the one above.  Its interesting to note that Fall Creek Falls has a 256 foot drop.  It is spectacular.  Go here for more information about the park:      Copy/paste the link below:
The TNAFS, (explained above) held their meeting at Fall Creek Falls State Park on the 13th and 14th of this month.  I was prompted to attend by my close friend Paul here at TWRA.  I thought it would be nice to add a little diversity to the daily routine and arrangements were made.  We drove to Pikeville in my state truck yesterday morning.  I'm sure you all know by now how much I like crowds and I was apprehensive as to my tolerance concerning the crowd I would soon be with.   All apprehension was quickly dispelled upon arrival.  I discovered that every individual at this meeting had a common interest that interfaces with my own - the preservation of Tennessee's fish and reintroduction of endangered species of fish back into the streams of Tennessee.  All types of fish indigenous to Tennessee were discussed as well as crayfish and mollusks. Scientific studies were explained as pertained to individual species.  There were 17 speakers who explained their research to the audience.  Of particular interest to me were the discussions concerning darters.  These tiny fish specimens are gorgeous and many of them are hovering on the brink of disaster.  The dedicated scientists gathered at Fall Creek Falls explained their studies and plans to protect and preserve these endangered fish.  The entire meeting was enlightening, to say the least.  I got to meet many other folks from TWRA as well as some folks from the scientific community that were delightful to talk to.  
We didn't have a lot of "play around time" to venture off and explore.  However, we did snap some pictures of the highlights as we came upon them.
An enormous lake lay behind the luxurious hotel that we stayed in.  The view above awaited at the back door of the room.
OK - a tourist shot is next.  Good heavens!  It felt like a Kodak moment.  Ha - Looks like one too.
I would highly recommend Fall Creek Falls to anyone who likes the outdoors and all that goes with it.  This is part of the "real" Tennessee.  This is not Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge.  There are no amusement parks here.    
Mountains, trails, water and spectacular views are what you will enjoy at this state park, and plenty of them.

It is possible to walk a trail to the bottom of this falls.  I bet the roar is deafening down there.

The falling water is mesmerizing and its difficult to draw ones eyes away from the view.  This falls does command your attention.

This state park is open year round and will certainly be a prime adventure spot for Shade and I next winter.  I guess you know why I say winter.  I bet the beauty of these spectacular views are exemplified with a coating of light snow.
I can see me in the ole canoe right now.
I won't bore you with a lot of details about the meeting.  That really was the prime objective of the trip.  The outdoor experience was merely the icing on the cake.   
We past an old log building when we were entering the park and decided to stop and photograph it on the way out.  It was an old school.  The place was charming and a welcome sight after experiencing all the comforts of the modern hotel.  What can I say?  I like old buildings.

I can just see my rocking chair on that porch.

Its late and I'm going to wrap this little blog entry up.  It was good to get home to the dogs.  They went nuts when I walked in the house.  I missed them very much.  They didn't touch their food during my two day absence.  They waited for me.  What friends!   Below is a shot of my exciting drive toward home.  It was an enlightening drive.  You can imagine how much I enjoyed it.  What a misery!

1 comment:

  1. I have heard a lot of Fall Creek Falls but sadly to say I have never been nor have I seen it.. Breathtaking to say the least. I am a sucker for waterfall's. Thanks K


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