Sunday, October 14, 2012


The automatic email notification was sent to readers for the little dental write-up that follows this blurb, that I only now am posting.  It seems that when I was at Beech Creek last Friday thieves got in the back of my truck.  I never noticed as I had no reason to get under the cap for anything until tonight.  I wanted to take the canoe to Beech Creek tomorrow after the dental appointment that's scheduled and got in the truck to pull out my canoe straps.  That's when I noticed that things were missing.  All my canoe accessories are gone, straps to strap it to the truck cap, rope,  my special PFD (life jacket) for paddling, seat bags, two trailer receiver draw bars with balls, the jack I bought special for the Gheenoe trailer,  15/16th socket and long 1/2 inch drive to handle flat tires (lug nuts) and Happy's flotation jacket.. I can't afford to replace that stuff.  It's over $400.  I've got to pay this dental bill $3900.00, mortgage and other stuff just like everyone else.  The cost of a couple tanks of gas would cover it.  Amazing!

The bottom line is that I can't go to the wild spots with the Gheenoe without a trailer jack and I can't use the canoe without straps to hold it on the truck and a paddling PFD.  I definitely need the breaker bar and 15/16th socket to remove flat tires.  It's all a big problem I don't want to deal with.  So, I guess the only blog entries for wildlife will be when I'm on the state boat.  That restricts me to Douglas Lake.  Sorry.

But I will be returning to Beech Creek very, very soon and it won't be with a camera.  There are other things I'm good at.


  1. That sucks big time. I am so sorry for your loss. What is this world coming to? I hope you can slowly replace what was taken. I was just a victim of check fraud or check washing. My $40 check for dog license turned into $900. Look up check washing on the Internet to protect yourself.

  2. My gosh, As you say HUMANS.. It never ceases to amaze me how low down and dirty some people are. I HATE a teif and hate is a strong word but I do . My kids will tell you the two things I HATE are theives and liars. I would help anyone I could and a lie is something you can't fix. You can always fix the truth.

  3. That is really terrible.I learned a long time ago that here if I cannot lock it up I don,t leave it behind.And even locking it is no guarantee that it won't get stolen.A few years back I was fishing on the Caney and when I returned to the ramp there was a Bass boat parked there and a guy walking around cussing up a storm,seems he went to load his boat and found someone had stolen his trailer.The trailer was locked to the draw bar so they pulled the pin and took the draw bar to.Have to know the guy would be stranded.He said he had a trailer he could borrow but his buddy would not be home for several hours.I told him if he could go get the trailer I would watch his gear until he got back.While we were talking I saw a truck stop on the hgwy. and eyeball the ramp lot.I said I wonder if they were watching the lot for him to leave and then steal his boat or gear.I said if they come for your stuff you will find them laying here when you return.He went and I did have a truck pull in the lot and u turn out but to far to identify.He came back with a trailer and a 6 that part went well.I hope you can get thru this OK.Probably not much chance of catching them, unfortunately.


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