Monday, November 12, 2012


Wow - two entries in one day.  I just got through posting the entry below this one and now another already.  I had a scare an hour ago.  I noticed Chestnut Hound digging in the leaves that have fallen and packed tightly between the house and the outside air conditioning unit.  I suspected a rat or a mouse as snakes and ground moles have gone into dens and burrows since the advent of some serious cold weather a couple weeks ago.  I went over with a sturdy stick and began to scratch the leaves away from the house.  Something flew through the air with the leaves.  It was a snake - a baby snake.  I got Chestnut by the collar and pulled her away.  The snake appeared to be a copperhead by the markings on it.  Baby copperheads are most dangerous because they are born with the ability to inflict poison into prey at birth.  Furthermore, they will inject a full dose where as the adults will hold some back for the follow-up strike if needed.  This makes the babies a very dangerous article to deal with.  I studied the little fellow.  He had the markings of the copperhead and he flattened his head into the traditional arrow head shape because he was alarmed.  I looked for the pits below the eyes but could not see them.  I couldn't see his eyes at this distance either.  He was only a foot long.  I used the stick to flick the snake out into the open where he instantly coiled and began striking over and over all the while shaking his tail rapidly - so rapidly that the tip of his tail was a blur. The little snake actually advanced half his length toward me.  He's a scrappy little guy.  

Many snakes have similar markings and many are mistaken for copperheads.  I wasn't sure of this snake.  His head had beautiful markings on top and copperheads don't.

I was convinced I was looking at a copperhead.  I've read that they shake their tails when aroused and are an aggressive snake when disturbed.  This little snake was displaying all those traits.  The more I studied him the more he didn't look like a copperhead.  His head was just too small and he was too far away from me to see if he had the pits under his eyes designating him a pit viper.  I had the small camera on my belt.  The big lens would have brought things into view but  I couldn't leave the area because the dogs would be all over him and they definitely would be bitten.   I saw the leaves move over along the blocks of the house foundation and I took the stick and swiped it through the leaves.  Five more snakes appeared and scurried back into the leaves.  Whatever this snake was - he had brothers and sisters.  They made their winter home in the middle of those tightly packed leaves.  I imagine the heat of the past three days brought them out of their winter stupor.  

I sent these pictures to my friend Paul, a seasoned woodsman and TWRA coworker, who identified the snake as a corn snake.  He had my images on his computer and enlarged the shots where they could be studied up close.  Corn snake was the diagnosis.  I was relieved.  I've never seen a corn snake in Pennsylvania.  Corn snakes are a common variety here in the south.

   All this concern was for the dogs.  I didn't want them digging up a den of copperheads.  You can imagine the the results of that.  These snakes are a desirable creature to have on the property.  They will eat all the mice and will actually keep copperheads away by out competing them for food.  What started to be a big concern is ending up being a wonderful find.  There are a pile of these little guys against the house.  I'll let them alone and be thankful they are so close to us.
Above is a copperhead baby.  Note the pale or yellowish tail tip and the flat arrow head shaped head.  The markings are similar to the corn snake's.   Pit vipers have a hole, or pit, located in front of and slightly below their eyes.  These pits contains sensory glands that detect warmth.  They also have nose holes.  I couldn't see these pits on my snake due to his small size and my reluctance to get too close.  Pit vipers also have slit eyes, similar to a cat's.  Non poisonous snakes have round eyes surrounded by white.  
There is a storm approaching and I'll lose this internet signal shortly so I'll abruptly end this entry.  All is well that ends well.  I've got some new wildlife friends on the property.  


  1. Let's just say, I'm glad you found them and not me!!!

  2. Corn snakes are good to have,glad it was not Copperheads they are far more dangerous than Rattle snakes.Rattlers will go away from you if possible but Copperheads are very aggressive and will strike rather than run and give no warning.Of course in TN. it is illegal to kill any snake unless it poses an imminent threat.Not quite sure how to interpret that.

  3. When I lived at Scona we had many Copperhead snakes, and we were always on alert through to November. My little dog Blackie was the snake dog and sustained many bits. My Dad always had a snake bit kit on hand to administer to her. Nasty little beast these snakes. Anne

    1. Thanks, all, for the replies. As much as I know about animals I am shy on snake knowledge. The snakes of Pennsylvania are different than in Tennessee. These snake species down here seem to have similar markings and confuse me. A pit viper won't fool me as long as I can get a look at the head. I just couldn't get a look at these snakes. The older eyes don't focus like they used to. I'm learning these snakes though. I've seen king, racer, rough greens, one copperhead, timber rattler and several species of water snake that resembled copperheads and now the corn snake. I'll learn....

  4. As far as I know all venomous snakes have tri angular shaped heads.Don't know if I want to be close enough to see that


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