Thursday, November 8, 2012


How was your ride to work today?  Here - let me show you mine.

He sits quietly.  The only part of him that moves is his head as he watches in every direction.  He is a sentinel.

 Note the wing tag under the left wing

The fog was slowly starting to lift and the eagles kept appearing.  The next eagle, however, it the same eagle as above.  He flew down the shoreline and I came upon him a second time.

The fog was leaving me nice big areas to shoot through.  

How amazing is this ride to work?  That ain't all!  Look below:
It's not over yet.  Look below him in the same tree:
 A Juvenal and an adult.

 Oh No - That,s not all.  Can you believe this?!

Well - just another ho hum drive to the office this morning.  How was your drive?  Hope you enjoyed riding along with me.  

Canoe on Beech Creek on Saturday.  See you there.   See below for some interesting data. The eagle, C2, I photographed today is mentioned:

After its release on August 15, 2011, Halo was twice observed in good condition on Lake Erie - near Cleveland, OH on September 2 and on October 16 near Erie, PA. Halo was again observed near Angola, NY on 12/28/11, 1/9/12, and on 1/11/12. Latest observations indicate that Halo is in good condition and doing well. An interesting fact is that during 18 days from fledging, Halo traveled at least 404 straight-line miles, averaging 22.4 miles per day.

The eaglet Atlantis was released on August 14, and was seen doing well on Lake Huron near Oscoda, MI on September 7. A tentative sighting was also observed in late January 2012 in the same general area.
August 27, 2012: Having had no sightings of Endeavor for an entire year, we are so pleased to report that Endeavor (wing tag H1) was sighted twice in August 2012 on Pymatuning Lake in Northwest Pennsylvania. To add to the good news, Endeavor was seen with another immature eagle with wing tag C2 that was transferred to AEF and released from its hack site on June 20, 2012. It's very rewarding to know that these 2 eagles are doing well.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see the Eagles are doing well.Interesting pics,very eerie looking in the heavy fog.


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