Saturday, November 3, 2012


This was not a good day for photography on the lake.  I was on the lower lake at the Dam and also Flat Creek which is a large creek that flows into the dam from the right side a short distance upstream from the boat ramp. There was a 240 boat bass tournament today and it won't be over until 5 PM tomorrow afternoon.  That's just nuts!  All those boats to catch bass.  They were like mosquitoes all morning.  I couldn't wait to get the shift over with.  As I said - the noise and clutter drove what few wild critters there were away from the area.
 I took a picture of this crow after hours of chasing down bass tournament anglers and not seeing a critter on the water.  I was desperate to push the shutter button down and this crow was all I had to work with.  Note his mouth is full.  He'll be a quiet crow for awhile.
A group of coots ventured out from shore, risking their lives in the paths of demon bass boats driven by fear crazed lunatics blasting along at 70 miles per hour in search of the dreaded bass.

I told you - I'm reaching here for something to photograph.  Too many people!
I noticed some bryozoans some snags and small trees left high and dry by the receding water of the lake.  They've been out of the water for three days now and appear to be healthy and well.  Of course, it can't last long as they need to filter nourishment from the water.

 Today is a pretty day though and it was great to be on the water.  The bass boats were too numerous though.  I don't know how those guys can have a good time when there are so many of them.  I really don't want to deal with that tournament affair tomorrow so, I believe I'll head for Beech Creek with the motor boat.
 A very high flying red tailed hawk
 I believe if I can get up to Beech Creek early enough I can ambush the otters.  I know the areas they hang in  and I found a great bunch of trees that have branches that hang out over the water.  I'll back the Gheenoe under them and wait out the little rascals.  I'm a little paranoid about leaving the truck at the out of the way boat ramp at Beech Creek since I was robbed there a couple weeks ago.  I had another comment written here last night but, changed it this morning.  Just thought better of it.

  I wanted to borrow a wildlife camera to mount inside the truck bed facing the truck cap door to photograph the thieves but, had no time to run to Greenback to borrow it.  That would have been the crowning achievement.  Guess I'll just have to trust the gun.

We'll see what happens tomorrow.  If all goes well I should get some bald eagle shots and otter portraits.  Later.

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