Sunday, December 23, 2012


wildlife photos shot with 120-400 mm Sigma Telephoto

I'm really trying to be diverse with the photos on this blog.  Eagles keep flying in my face though.  Its hard to ignore the photo opportunities.  This will stop at the end of the month when I'm transferred off Douglas Lake.  The unprecedented number of eagles I'm encountering is not the norm and its a good idea to take advantage of the opportunities to watch and study them while they are here in Tennessee.  At some point around March or shortly after - most of them will migrate back to their Northern climes and only their memories will be left here and -- my photographs.

 Above is the traditional picture of the magnificent bald eagle.  I'll just shut up and let you enjoy the pictures.  They speak for themselves.

Immature Bald Eagle

Two Immature Bald Eagles

Below is my attempt to be diversified.  Its called duck diversification.  Mallard Duck - that is.

 This eagle is nearing full fledged adulthood.  The white head and tail are almost entirely white.  Note  the white flecks on the under wing.

Something didn't look right on the shoreline.  Something was out of place or, some odd feature didn't belong there.
Ah Ha - another chance for photographic diversification.
 A little innocent face looks back at me in wonderment.

They blend into their environment perfectly.

And finally - -

It's hard to capture the magnificence of bald eagles.  You gotta be there.  You just gotta be there.

Shade and I plan on being at the old Scona Lodge site tomorrow afternoon for some investigation about something that was lost decades ago.  Its raining now as I write this so lets hope it clears out by noon tomorrow.  The visit to the mountain filled with Haints should be interesting.  Tune in tomorrow for more action packed adventure filled with intrigue, sorrow, joy and human suffering as Shade and I walk among the long ago dead in search for the lost pickle jar.


  1. Good Eagle pics,cool duck shots against an unusual background and very good eye spotting that doe.
    Did Scona exist before the river was damned and if not would it have existed without the lake ?


    Dick - the link above should take you to the blog story of Scona Lodge. It a heck of a story and I have some amazing photos there. And yes, it was built in 1934 well before Calderwood Dam. Check it out. My story is the only information on the internet about the place. Best kept secret in the world.

  3. You need to watch a movie called The Big Year which is a sweet film on HBO or maybe a rental. It is a movie about Bird Watchers but has a good story base. I thought of you a little. You will get a kick out of the movie. Anne


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