Monday, January 21, 2013


Anytime I want to take a dog with me I grab Shade or Happy.  They are the type dogs that go with travel in a car or boat.  Chestnut usually sits home.  All the dogs get outside time every day but, Chestnut hasn't been far from the house in months.  I came back from the lake early today and decided to spend some one on one time with just Chestnut.  It was difficult getting out the front door with only her as Shade and Happy knew something was going to happen.  They put their usual guilt trip on me as I slipped out the door with Chestnut in tow.
There is a 800 acre tract of land that lies just across the road from my place.  I've never taken all the dogs there due to having to cross the road.  Shade has been over but, none of the others.  Once a dog is led on a journey to somewhere - he'll go there on his own if he has the chance.  I didn't want to ever risk them going to that field alone.  But, its the only place we have and I decided I could handle Chestnut alone alright.  We walked down our lane and I stopped and attached the leash to Chestnut's collar a hundred feet from the road.  Once across, I turned her loose and boy, was she one happy dog.

She didn't go ballistic like I thought she would but, she didn't stop in one place for long.  I tested her by calling her and she immediately turned off her route and returned to me.  How many hounds do you know that will instantly return when called?
 "Come on, Come on Chestnut!  Come on little girl!"
"Good girl - good little girl, Chestnut."
There is actually a tiny wet land in the middle of this field. 

I'll bet this little wet spot exists year round.  It looks like there might be a spring involved with it.  I found out that this property is owned by a guy in Florida and he allows a local farmer to mow the grass and bail it.  There were many huge tied rolls of hay all over the field.  Chestnut loved this little water area.  She even got in the water as you'll see in the short videos. 

It was great to see her running and having a good time.  I gave her a biscuit and she turned, ran and dropped the biscuit.  Yep - she's excited and one happy little girl.

I had fun with Chestnut and I think we'll be doing this more often.   I started something now and she will be forever looking forward to getting out of the yard and going somewhere.  And, that's OK. What else do I have to do?


  1. Bless her heart, she is a beauty and sweet. I have had guilt on my shoulders for not taking my two out for a run. Cody over Christmas hurt his hip or hind leg. So I have been really careful with him. Sophia is difficult for me to handle alone on a leash so she gets the late night moonlight walks when most people are fast asleep. What a life you have Gary. You are blessed. Anne

  2. That looks like a dog being a dog and having a ball doing it.Of course you realize you have created a critter that will expect to do this all the time.One sip of the wine and they seek the vineyard.But it is fun,gotta love em.


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