Thursday, January 17, 2013


Shade the snow dog

What a day today.. I was working around Cherokee Lake when it started to snow and so far - it hasn't stopped.  I've not seen this much snow in Tennessee since I move here.  I tried to get the dogs outside to enjoy some frolic in the white stuff but, as you can see - one in particular was a bit reluctant.
The driveway was totally covered with three inches of snow an hour after I took the shot below.

 Happy wasn't real excited about venturing out into the snow either

Adventuresome Happy 
 Chestnut Hound returns from a short "look around."

Above is the road at the end of my lane.  I know its not like Pennsylvania but, its a real surprise for Tennessee, especially East Tennessee.  Below is my driveway.

Above:  Hurry up Shade!  She wasn't out for long.   I ain't taking that boat out.  Nope!

The temperatures are to fall to 24 tonight.  That means tomorrow morning at 5:00AM, when I hit the road for the lake, will be interesting to say the least.  No - Shade won't go with me.  I can't get her out of the house.


  1. Do you get the -You want me to go out in that stuff to do what? No snow here yet. Up in my country what they call a snow storm here is a heavy frost there. Be careful on the road tomorrow,keep between the lines and shiny side up

  2. Goodness,,,,,, Very Pretty...... We got ZIP here. Falcor has had to go out in the rain so much he has that look of pure disgust when I take him out now !!!!! Like Really Mom !!!!!

  3. Now I am really homesick. I remember snow days at Scona when the golf course looked like a blanket of powdered sugar. I could always tell when it snowed because of how quiet it was outside when I would wake up. We actually have had snow not to far from where I live. I can see the snow capped mountains but it is not the same as what you have in East Tennessee. Lucky you. Anne


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