Monday, January 28, 2013


Well, after travelling around on Cherokee Lake this month, I've got to say it's a lot nicer than Douglas Lake.. Actually, I guess I'll have to break down and admit that it's rather pretty.   It has more water in it for this time of year due to the very heavy recent rains and that helps hide the normally muddy shoreline.  It's not Calderwood Lake but, its as close as I'm going to get on a daily basis.  The old saying - if ya can't be with the one ya love then, love the one yer with.  I think I can "like" the one I'm with.
One nice thing about Cherokee - I can pick a shoreline without mud to beach the boat. The mud on these shorelines sticks to the shoes like flypaper and is impossible to wipe off.  Amazing stuff!  It's impossible to exit a boat on Douglas Lake without getting the feet stuck in quagmire. 

 The shore below is a mud shoreline with a nice coating of shale on top.  This shoreline can be walked upon without getting mud on boots.  Of course, this area will be covered with water when the lake is full.

The only thing I can't understand about Cherokee is the lack of wildlife.  I have never even seen a squirrel in a tree on this lake.  I did see one beaver last year near a boat ramp.  Four eagles appeared this year that I documented.  There is, however, a very good population of red tail hawks.  They are everywhere.

Red tails are very difficult to approach to photograph.  Most good shots are achieved when the hawk flies in and lands without knowledge of the photographer's presence.  That's a rare situation.
Cherokee has many historical and old structures on it's shore's as well as beneath the surface.  Many of these sub-surface structures appear when the water is drawn down.
 This used to be someone's home before the dam was built and the world flooded.  Those are steps leading down to the water.  The flat area to the right appears to be a parking area with a narrow road leading away from it. (not in photo)
Occasionally, a deserted, old building can be found out in the middle of nowheresville.  The building below was just sitting in a short, narrow cove.  It is built into the hillside and obviously was used to hang meat in.  It was probably a smoker of sorts for curing meat.  There is a hole in the ceiling that protrudes out into the open air for ventilation.  The pipe across the room is where the hams or caucuses were hung to smoke and cure.  It's location is isolated and no doubt the homestead is under water now.  I call this place the Hobbit House.

I found this place by accident.  I stopped here to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Yes, I finally am able to eat peanut butter.  Actually, the new teeth are working out fairly well.  It took from Thanksgiving until now to finally be able to tolerate them.  They are still the temporary teeth.  The permanent dentures won't be molded until end of April.  They tell me the gums will be completely settled at that time.  I can't wait.
The view above is what I looked at while chomping on the peanut butter.  I wasn't aware of the Hobbit House at that time.  I finished the first sandwich and twisted my head around to check my surroundings and that's when I saw it.  See below.  The little building is forgotten history and all but reclaimed by the land.
We had another two hours to go so we shoved off.  It was a pretty ride back toward the boat ramp.

I have a day off tomorrow and I think I'll try to get the canoe down to Abrams Creek back west of here.  H&R Block is expecting me at 9AM so, I have to get that out of the way.  I don't want to make O'Bummer wait for his money.  The weather man is predicting 65 degrees for Tuesday with 5 to 10 mph wind.  I'll believe that when I see it.  We'll see what happens.  Until then - thanks for looking in. 


  1. That was interesting,I like the rock ledges often find good fishing in those areas.Old smoke house is still standing,thats amazing.I once found an old small stone bldg. way back in the wood on a mountain up home,had a spring in it and was probably used for a cooler for milk and butter as well as water supply.Found the stone foundation of a cabin nearby,all the wood had rotted away and a maple tree 24 to 30 in. in diameter was growing in the cellar.How long before had that cabin been built for it to reach that stage in 1960.

  2. You seem to always find something out of the reach of time. Thank you Gary. Good luck with your Obummer status. Big old full moon out tonight. Must be really beautiful on the water.

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the hobbit house .. What a find I would love to be able to get out and explore as I use to do .. Maybe soon....


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