Sunday, April 28, 2013



  1. Oh Gary, this is beautiful and it made me cry. Douglas sure is a beautiful boy.

    I have just caught up withg the rest of your new comments. Foir some reason I am not getting told by Blogger when you update your blog. My list says you've not posted for 2 weeks.

    What are the names of your dogs? I see you hgavce a Jack Russell. I had a JR called Poppy. She ws such a lovely dog.

    1. I can't imagine why you're not getting post notifications. I'm not real good with computers. As for your other questions - the little white dog is a terrier of variable mix. Her name is Happy. She wags her tail so hard I fear her bum will fall off. Black Lab is also a bit of a mix. Her name is Shade. I found her abandoned on an island on a large lake here in Tennessee. The little hound is names Chestnut. Her mother had the litter at my place. Mom was a rescue. Chestnut is withdrawn and unsure about everything. She's coonhound/beagle mix, I suspect. All are rescue dogs. All are totally devoted to me. Each would follow me across fire and broken glass to the gates of Hades if necessary. Douglas, the Golden in the slide show had more influence on my life than any other human ever did. He was my right arm. He was killed in a car crash and taken from me at the age of 8 years. I have not, nor will I ever get over him. His ashes are near me always. I love him still. You'll find him on the blog frequently. I can't even watch the slide show I posted myself. He's with me in spirit always. Thank you for your comments. I appreciate you.

  2. All of your Douglas stories leave me with tears streaming down my face and my heart aches for your loss. This is a beautiful way to honor your soul mate. You will see him on your next life journey he will be there to greet you, I am sure. Do you have any videos of Douglas running and barking? I would love to see them. I feel your loss Gary. Anne


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