Friday, August 16, 2013


This morning felt more like Fall than Summer.  Brrrrrr!  I could have worn a fleece jacket and been perfect.  Who'd a thunk it?
The tiny kingfisher almost looks 3D
This was just one of those days when nothing was happening on the water.  I did see two beavers  one of which is below.  He was going my way and accompanied the boat as I motored up the river.  I wondered where he was going.

I was surprised at his speed.  When he came to a log in the water he simply dove under it and surfaced at the other side without missing a paddle stroke.

He was turning into a tiny cut in the river bank that lead a long way inland beside a cliff.  I have never been back in there but will when I get the canoe out.  He knew exactly where he was going.  I stopped at the mouth of that inlet and shut off the engine.
I grabbed the binoculars and scanned the little cove.  He was climbing out onto the shoreline and cutting those long, thick weed stems.  It wasn't long before I could hear him chomping away on the cut stems.  This is really neat!  I want to paddle the canoe in there and hide out in the tall water grass under a tree limb and just watch.  I could read a book to stay entertained until he showed up.  I left him alone and continued up the river as far as I dare go.  It gets shallow in another half mile upstream.

A pass by the eagles mountain proved that all was well with them.  Both adults were out on their limbs, but they were deep in the trees where it's shaded and dark.  I'd just take a shot or two and call it a day.  I've tried to photograph eagles in those dark places and it never works.
I only photographed one of them as the second adult was very shaded.  I doubted this eagle would turn out acceptable in a photograph.  The shot is barely acceptable, but I got him as a memory of the day anyhow.

The morning was uneventful but nice.  I passed a yard sale on the way home and saw this old canoe.  It was tempting but, I really don't need an old aluminum canoe.  I may stop and ask what the price is tomorrow.  It might be a good one to drag across rocks and concrete boat docks without worrying much about it.

Tomorrow is to be cooler than today.  I can't believe the temperature variations this Summer.  Makes me wonder if this Winter is going to be a bad one or not.

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