Thursday, August 22, 2013


For an update on the proposed sandhill crane hunt, and my opinion,  go here:

My boat trailer had some welds breaking and I've been off the water for the past two days while it was being repaired.  No wildlife shots.  However, I was messing in the yard awhile ago and I thought I'd throw some shots of the clematis I planted last spring.  I love clematis.  There are also a couple rose pictures included in the mess also.
The above red rose is the most perfect rose I ever grew.  I can't believe how perfect it is.  The wood, by the way, is a piece of drift wood I picked up along the shoreline.
The above shot is of a climbing rose stalk with nothing to climb on.  It's a good 12 feet tall and still going.  The stalk resembles a thorn covered tree trunk.  I never figured on that thing growing straight up.
Above and below is clematis growing on drift wood.  I need to get some different colors next spring.  I love clematis.  I said that already.

And the final shot is of another rose.
I'll be back on the water in the morning and I can't wait.

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