Wednesday, September 18, 2013


The seasons seem to be changing this year faster than ever.  Just four days ago the temps were in the eighties.   I didn't take a jacket to the lake this afternoon and was on the edge of being chilly all day.  Then the rains came late afternoon and soaked me clear through.  The rain suit was lodged safely behind the seat of the truck where it would be safe from damage.
"Wish I had someone to hang out with.  Wonder why no one wants to be with me."
"Its obvious to see that I'm a happy kind of guy, always a smile on my face."
"I guess I'm what one calls a loner - a cast out - not wanted.  It's my lot in life, I guess."
"I'm getting tired of flitting about and perching alone on these lonely tree limbs.  Everyone else seems to have someone to fly with."
"Being alone isn't so bad.  I don't have to listen to a lot of complaining about how bad the food is around here and I can come and go as I want without five or six other cows following me around."

"I can stand in the cool water and lay in the sun all I want to, when I want to and for as long as I want to."

"Besides - in a couple more weeks individuals of my kind will group up and form bonds.  I guess I'll join them then.  I'll have all the company I can stand."
"Oh no!  Here comes that stupid human in the big white boat to disturb my morning interlude.  He always does this.  I'm outa here!"

Well - black crowned night herons are used to being alone.  They like it so don't feel bad about their individuality and desire for solitude.
I didn't put much effort into the picture above.  I just happened to have the camera in hand and snapped it.  The shot below was taken on far too slow of a shutter speed and I got lucky, kind of.
And, pretty teal ducks sneaking through the grass.  Very pretty.

They were grabbing mayflies from the surface of the water.

And yet another one of these furry little fellows makes an appearance.

All the squirrels I've seen over the past two weeks have been either carrying or burying nuts or, eating nuts.  Winter is coming.

I noticed a brand new beaver signature on a tree today.
I wonder how long it took him to chew that chunk out of the tree.  I looked around for further sign and found it.

The dying river grass has been diminished in it's density and revealed a new beaver dam.  The dam was hidden from view until only recently.  This is so neat to see.  I'll bet it would be interesting to come out here on a boat with a spot light.  Careful inspection found yet another new dam.  It was small but, never the less an effort is being made at construction.
These dams are most interesting to see.  I'd love to watch a beaver build one of these.  I'd not have seen either of these constructions had the water grass not be in recession.  The dams, however, are not only revealed to me but also to the eyes of the trapper.  I fear these beaver will be taken in the coming trapping season which starts in November.  The dams are a dead giveaway as to their presence and trappers will surely set leg hold traps on the paths and runways to and from the dams.  Isn't that a noble way to take an animal?  There is no sportsmanship in it.  None.  It's a despicable way to treat wildlife.  Leg hold traps should be banned from this country. Actually, trapping should be outlawed altogether.  This is 2013, not 1870 and that form of torture is still employed in the wilds by so called "ethical" sportsmen who "enjoy" the trapping of fur bearing animals.  I mean - what's to enjoy about it?  Torture, agony, terror and species elimination is the result.  Very, very ethical!!!!  And with that - I'll take my leave.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post and some cool pix.Does coat seem in beautiful color


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