Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I was quite surprised to find the lake so full of ice after the two warm days that have past.  I guess that whatever thawing occurs during the warmth of day, the cold of night refreezes the water on the lake. 
The ice is pretty thick near the shorelines yet and I can see no reason to proceed further upstream as there aren’t any anglers on the water today.  The slush thickens as I move further up the water and probably will be solid in another mile.  The water temperature on the lake right at the spot above is 36.5 degrees.
The wind chill on Shade and me was really frigid and Shade was shaking badly.  I found out what I needed and headed for the ramp to get off this slush.
I needed to drop off last months reports at the office in Morristown so I took the long way through the hills to get there.
Above:  The river (reservoir) is still frozen solid in this area.  Wonder how thick the ice was.
And, there are always eyes on me.  No matter what I do or where I go – the eyes follow:
The rest of the day was uneventful, which is good, and Shade had her little time on the water, cold as it was.  I gave her a little woods time too on the way home.
We drove past Panther Creek State Park on the way home and I stopped at the boat ramp at the park to allow shade to just mess around for a while, which she did.
She enjoyed herself immensely.  I know she’s a lab but I still am amazed at how she can get in that 39 degree water and lay down. 
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Tomorrow is tailrace day and I’ll be in the truck and I never know what I’ll see on truck days.  The following day is back on Douglas Lake again and hopefully ice won’t be a factor.  Hope you enjoyed the pics.

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