Friday, February 7, 2014


Check that photo above closely.  Lower right corner and upper left corner.  Critters are everywhere around here.  Lets break that down a little further.
Above shows the group of turkeys that appear in the upper left corner two shots up.
Above is an enlargement of the lower right corner of the critter shot.  It’s neat to get two different species of animals in one picture.
I was due to be on Douglas Lake this morning and was on my way when I took the shots above.  The route to the reservoir would go through areas near the water where thick woodlots were common.  Look at the pretty girls in the pictures below:
They didn't stay long, turned and bounded away into the thickest bush.
I finally got the boat on the water and proceeded up the shoreline of the reservoir.  I saw not one boat on the water so focused on bald eagles.  The first one appeared within minutes of being on the water.
He was an immature and I could see that he was nervous as I approached him and I readied the camera for his fly-off.  He took to the air at a distance too far away to get good shots plus my old nemesis bright back-lighting wasn't helping.
I wish I were fifty feet closer to this guy when he took off as the potential existed for some fantastic shots.
I am missing that 500 millimeter telephoto that has been my mainstay for years.  The loss of that 100 millimeters in relation to the 400 millimeter lens is everything.
I watched that eagle fly off into the distance until he disappeared.  Wow!  The throttle was pushed forward and my eyes scanned ahead along the shoreline and there were two familiar silhouettes'. in a tree.  What in the world is going on.  I just left one immature eagle not a minute ago and here are two more.
The pictures are sadly lacking in detail due to the sky but, that is what I saw when I looked up at the trees.
The bird on the top limb slipped out without me catching his limb leap-off.  But I did catch the eagle on the lower limb.
This is amazing!  I've not been an hour on the water yet and I’m seeing all these bald eagles.  There has to be something occurring in nature to pull them over this far east and away from the Mississippi River Valley.  Wonder what’s going on.
And, not ten minutes more and look what I saw, below:
That’s it.  Even I can’t do anymore eagles.  This is like visiting a zoo.  Just when I said that to myself;  look what happened.

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