Saturday, March 15, 2014


I kept asking myself, “what am I doing down here”.  This isn’t really my kind of water and certainly not really Gheenoe water but I just had to see for myself what this tail-race was all about

 I had to be very careful putting the boat in the water down here as the shoreline is all boulders and rocks.  What else is new?

 I got everything sorted out and finally got underway, very slowly.  I was told by a couple fishermen that I would have good depth all the way to the island about two miles downstream but I didn't want to push luck.  This boat is fiberglass and this is an aluminum boat lake, river.

The water was calm and flat as there was no release from the dam upstream and the boat had 5 to 7 feet of water under it most of the trip down to the island except for a few spots where 4 feet was the normal.
Both shorelines were attractive and the river has its share of whitetail deer.  This is great otter habitat and I may explore this water more thorough later on.
 Can you see that sneaky little girl in the above shot?
The island came in view dead ahead and I could see the water flowing over rocks on both sides.  No boat would pass beside that place without the additional water of a release to increase depth.
 You can see the rough, shallow water line in the picture below.  Thats as far as a boat can go - even a jet boat can't get over that.
I really wanted to explore the island but I can't get to it.  Almost can but almost only counts in horse shoes.  So close though.  Need a canoe, which I don't have anymore.  wonder how long I can live without a paddle in my hands.

There are a lot of wood-ducks and mallards on the water down here and I'll be they are here because humans can't get to them.. 
And, I can't wait to get my 500 mm telephoto lens back from the repair shop.  I'm really tired of sub par shots.  I never realized how much I relied on that monster lens.  Should be about another two weeks I'd say before I get it back.
So far this water isn't showing me much from Nance Ferry downstream to this point.  I wouldn't bring a boat down here to float downstream for fishing purposes.  It is as I thought - a fishing spot for primarily the local folks and the occasional trout fishing guide picking up a buck on the uninformed fly fisherman, and that's OK and as it should be.
I got to the island and saw it was surrounded by underwater boulders and decided to back away.  A canoe or kayak could easily approach but I won't risk this boat.  I noticed a really great cave on the way back upstream.  This thing was huge and I wanted to get inside in the worse way but, as usual, it is on private property.  I'm tempted to just go inside anyway and be a rascal like everyone else.  We'll see.  This isn't just a tiny cave.  It's the real McCoy.

Its only about 9:30 AM and I'm missing Shade who I left asleep on my bed when I left.  She got that drain tube removed yesterday morning and things are a lot better.  There is now two nasty holes in her chest where the tube was inserted.  I don't understand why they weren't sutured.  I guess the doc didn't want to put her under again.  She will be alright if I can keep her from scratching it with her hind foot.  I bought her a T shirt to cover the stitches and prevent her from licking the area but that didn't last long.
I can't bring her with me as she will instantly be in the water and the wound isn't healed yet.  I fear infection will be the result of taking her out too soon.  All in good time.  She's my light in this life.   So, that's the morning - a little different water but not much variation from Cherokee Lake, which is the rock pile of my life.  I say that tongue in cheek.  Foul weather is due to hit starting tomorrow, which I can't believe, and may put the stops to plans for an eagle count on Douglas Lake.  We'll see how it goes.  See you later and thanks for looking in.

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