Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I posted pictures of a hybrid wolf/dog on the blog and commented a bit of information. The animal is awesome.  Her name is Pee Wee (I know what you're thinking) and it turns out she is a heart squeezer.  I have become good friends with Pee Wee's owners (family) and I was delighted yesterday to be asked if I'd like to pet Pee Wee.  I about died.  I looked over at the wolf dog who was studying me intently and replied, "yes".
Look what the results were as I approached this great animal.
I could make a fictional adventure out of this and tell you how I was viciously attacked by the wild wolf but, it would be a lie.  I was vigorously approached by the friendliest, sweetest, albeit powerful furry lady imaginable.
There was a quick moment of apprehension where she quickly sat back but as soon as I massaged the sides of her face, she loosened up big time.  I've always had that affect on women:)  And then looked what happened.  I suddenly had my arms full of wolf.

I can't explain the feeling of holding this powerful being in my arms against my chest.  I didn't really hold her.  She allowed me to hold her and that was an honor to know she trusted me to that extent.
Look at that sweet face.  The dog's face, that is.
These moments are a privilege that I'll not soon forget.  I didn't want to let her go but she isn't mine, although I wish she were mine.  I will not use the names of the folks who own this beautiful creature because in my excitement, I didn't ask their permission to do so.  My fault.  I will ask their permission next time I see them.  They are wonderful folks and I'm blessed to have them as my new friends.  Pee Wee resides at Indian Cave, by the way and that entry is next.

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