Thursday, May 8, 2014


First off I gotta say I don't know where this thing came from.  It was left in my driveway with a request to create some sort of way to carry a camera on it in safety.  I just hitched my truck to the trailer and pulled it on into the house.

Someone obviously trusts me a lot to leave this new kayak with me and a not attached to it as the only communication between the owner and me.  The guy wants a water proof, floating camera box mounted on the boat in front of the paddler's seat.  OK.  I got a few hours this morning.  I have to water all the trees and plants first but I'll give this a go.  Oddly enough it fits into my garage too.  Imagine that.

The boat is on it's side on the trailer so I had to rotate all these pictures to give better views of what I was doing.  The shot below shows the aluminum framework I used to make the frame that will hold the box.  It bolts directly to a hard plastic table that is made for this kayak model by the manufacturer.  
 You can see four bolt holes.  But, two holes will sit over pins and two bolts, one on each side will go down through the top of the frame and will be secured with wing nuts on the underside.

 The Pelican box has reinforced plastic hinges that bulge out and the rear frame needed a relief cut out in order for the hinges to clear.

Below is the waterproof Pelican box
 You can see how the hinges stick out in the shot below.  The aluminum frame is built to be very tight to the case and the reliefs needed cut in the back frame piece so the hinges cleared.

 Above and below show the box on the kayak.
 Below is a view from the pilot's seat.  Of course one would keep the lid closed while underway.
And there ya have a 14 foot Tarpon kayak fitted with the means to carry a camera in total safety.  Now, if only I could figure who left this boat here on my property.  I'll take it out to the road and park it chained to a tree.  Whoever owns it will have to come get me to unlock it.  
Oh, the painted up bracket is below all ready to accept the Pelican box with the camera inside.  The bracket will assure the Pelican box will stay with the boat.
 Above looking down on the bracket.  Below is a shot from the front of the boat toward the seat.  The seat is collapsed into itself.
 Below is the bracket ready to accept the Pelican camera box.  Just sit it in the frame and the tall frame edges will assure the box will stay put.  A bungee could be attached to the box handle and the framework just to be extra safe.   One could simply drill holes in the Pelican box but that would compromise the water tight aspect of the box.  This way the box can be used not only on this boat, but anywhere because the box isn't bolted down.  Makes sense.  The entire table (with all the holes) actually slides forward and backward which can push the box away from the paddler or pull it up close, whichever is desired.
I hope whoever owns this kayak likes this Pelican camera box bracket.

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